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You're incredibly taken aback once the match starts and Nagi actively runs after the ball, reading his opponent's movements and acting accordingly- Blue Lock has changed him this much?

You knew he'd changed a little- it's only a given, seeing as he'd been in a literal football prison for the last few months. But the way he plays now is just... it's different.

He's different.

You don't expect much to happen- you'd never had much interest in football to begin with, and you doubt this match will be anything new.

But then within the blink of an eye, things go haywire, and you're suddenly unable to look away.

Itoshi Sae's got the ball, and his fans go absolutely mental as he scores a wild goal before Blue Lock's goalie, Gagamaru, can even gather his bearings. It all happens so fast, your poor eyes can barely keep up, and you can't even imagine what the players are feeling.

Blue Lock's captain (who, after a quick internet search, you found was Itoshi Rin, Sae's younger brother) doesn't hesitate to restart, attempting to score immediately. His efforts are immediately shut down by the goalkeeper making a breakneck save, and the ball is flung back into the air.

The others swarm in like a pack of hyenas- the Blue Lock guys are ruthless, you realise, Nagi included; they barely even look at each other, each man playing primarily for himself.

Yukimiya's got the ball now, and he shoots-

But Aiku blocks his shot, a truly frustrating defender, and his fangirls squeal.

Your heart leaps in your chest as Blue Lock's number 9, Otoya, tries to shoot this time, but it's blocked, yet again, by annoyingly competent U-20 defenders.

You're in complete anguish, close to ripping out your hair in frustration- but then your eyes catch Nagi, and the ball is sailing in his direction, his eyes lighting up, and you can see the gears in his head turning as the ball gets closer.

You're barely breathing as two of the defenders rush towards him as he flings out one of his legs to get to the ball- it looks like he's going to try and shoot, but you know it's just going to be inevitably blocked.

But then he traps the ball effortlessly with his foot, bringing it in close to him, tapping it against the ground to make it airborne again in a display of pure skill, and then he's jumping, turning in mid-air, and slams the ball straight into the back of the net, eyes positively glowing.

The stadium is completely silent for about two seconds, and then you're jumping up in your seat, screaming at the top of your lungs, your heart soaring, the stadium erupting into a cacophony of pure excitement, and Nagi falls back to the ground, his right fist held high as he salutes the crowd.

Acknowledge me, he seems to be telling the crowd, telling the entire country. I'm Nagi Seishirou.

His legs are crossed on the grass, completely nonchalant- and then his eyes lock with yours, sweat dripping down his face, his fist still raised in victory, and his expression completely changes.

His lips curl up in the most self-satisfied smirk you've ever seen, eyes glittering with pure, unbridled joy, and for a second you feel like you're the only person in the stadium, the only person he sees- the only person who matters.

Bonus points if I score- that means we get married.

Nagi's words ring in your head, and you're already on it, mentally planning your wedding as you gaze into his eyes in awe. Reality crashes down on the two of you when Isagi and Chigiri leap on top of him in celebration, and you sit back down with a huge beam on your face.

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