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"If you know, then that's good," He continues, slender fingers idly looping through the strands of your hair. "You look nice today."

"Thank you," Your face flushes with his sudden compliment, and suddenly it's hard to look at him, your eyes flicking up to the ceiling, and then down to the floor, and then-

Then Nagi's grabbing your chin gently in his hand, forcing you to look at him.

"We won today." He sounds amused, the corners of his mouth lifting up slightly. "You know what that means?"

He fully leans down now, resting his forehead on yours, the ends of his soft, damp hair cold against your skin, sweaty towel tossed onto the ground. His eyes are gazing straight into yours, endless pools of deep, dark grey. He's close enough that you can count his wispy white eyelashes, see the way they curl upwards slightly.

You try (and fail, miserably) to play it cool, despite the fact that your heart's beating a mile a minute. It doesn't help that you're becoming increasingly aware of the proximity of his mouth to yours with every passing second, mere inches away.

"I know," It's barely even a whisper. "I know what that means."

He steps forward again, encircling you with his arms, one snaking around your waist and the other reaching down to clutch at one of your hands.

"It means you owe me a kiss." He pulls your hand up and taps his lip with it. "Right here, please."

And who are you to deny him?

"Oh, Nagi," You laugh, slightly nervously, but also at how ridiculously cute he is. "You've earned it, after all."

And you've waited far, far too long.

He's still holding your fingers against his lips, and he places a soft, light kiss against the back of your hand. It's so light you feel like you've imagined it, but the red in his ears tells you otherwise, and the way he's suddenly gone quiet.

You gently tug your hand out of his, and he cradles your head, ever so gently, as if you're delicate and he's afraid you're going to break.

You wrap your arms around his neck, getting on your tiptoes to reach him, and he reacts instantly, slowly leaning down, closing his eyes.

Your heart is hammering, and your hand curls into his hair whilst the other grips his shoulder, grounding you as your own eyelids also flutter shut.

You're really going to kiss Nagi Seishirou- properly this time.

He wants you to.

His lips meet yours, and it's like there are fireworks going off in your brain. You practically stop breathing as Nagi sighs through his nose, his arms tightening around you, his lips soft and flush against your own.

Is this how to do it? Is this right?

Unanswered questions ping around in your head, and the panic is almost enough to make you pull away- but you can feel Nagi's smile against your mouth, so you relax, leaning up a bit higher, angling your head a little more to the side.

He pulls you in impossibly closer, close enough that you're certain he can feel your heart beating through your chest, but you ignore it, and he does too, his hand tangling into your hair.

You bunch your fingers in the fabric of his tank top, pulling him down a little bit more. He obliges gladly, and the kiss is just starting to deepen when suddenly your lungs start to burn, and you realise you haven't breathed at all.

Nagi senses this, and both of your eyes snap open. He pulls away and you gasp for breath, placing your feet flat on the ground again.

You're still clutching Nagi's top, and you release him in embarrassment, glancing up at him as he steps back a little.

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