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By the time you've returned home, you've worn yourself out by all the thinking you'd done.

Your parents are surprised to see you're back early; apparently, they thought you'd be spending the day with Nagi and Reo.

You wish that could've been the case, but a certain four-eyed tyrannical maniac insists on keeping them locked up in his football prison... You don't think you've ever disliked a person as much as you dislike Ego Jinpachi, and that's seriously something considering you know almost nothing about the man.

You're too exhausted to explain that to them, however, so instead you just tell them you've got to take a nap and head straight up to your room.

You place the box with Reo's necklace gently on your desk as you enter, flopping down onto your bed.

You can't help but stare at it, sitting so innocently, as if it's very existence and the meaning behind it hasn't threatened to make your life very, very complicated.

Because you've stolen my heart.

You tear your eyes away from it with a huff. Thinking about it only makes your head hurt, so you don't.

You sit yourself down in front of your mirror, ready to wipe off all your makeup, when suddenly your phone rings from where you're phone lays on your desk.

You push Reo's jewellery box to snatch your phone up, swiping immediately.

He appears to have just gotten out of the shower, damp white hair hanging in his eyes. He appears to be sitting back on his bed (which is far better than the one he had last time, you notice), a hand fiddling with the hair on the back his head, the muscles in his arm tensing slightly with the movement.

It's ridiculous how such a small movement has you practically drooling at the mouth.

"Hi, Nagi." You smile at him, nothing short of overjoyed that you're talking with him. "What's up?"

"I've got great news for you." His face is set in its usual neutrality, but you don't miss the way his eyes sparkle.

You perk up immediately, intrigued. "What is it?"

He opens his mouth to tell you, but is abruptly interrupted by somebody snatching the phone out of his hand.

The face that pops up is none other than Karasu's; he also appears to have just left the shower, his hair damp and laying flat on his head. His eyes glint with amusement as he peers down at you, lips stretched into a devilish smirk.

"So Yukki wasn't lying, huh?" Hes got a strong accent, and you watch him swallow as his smirk fades a little. "That cute chick from earlier really was yer girlfriend."

The compliment throws you off guard a little, but you thank him anyways. "Why, thank you, number six."

Karasu grins, practically from ear to ear, and gives you a playful wink. "So ya remember me then, love?"

You can see Nagi's face in the distance- he looks a little disgruntled, and judging by the way his phone is shaking, he's probably lazily trying to snatch it back.

The way he's ever so slightly jealous makes you smile, so you play along.

"Well, of course, Karasu," You wink back, and Karasu appears to be absolutely delighted. "You're pretty hard to forget."

"Give me that," Nagi snatches his phone back, and you hear Karasu cackle. "And get back to the team B room. We don't want you here."

"Aw, man," Karasu huffs out an exaggerated sigh, and Nagi rolls his eyes. "Ya know, I never had ya down as a buzzkill, Nagi."

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