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Today's the day. It's felt like an eternity since you'd received that letter, but the day's finally here. The sun seems to be shining brighter outside today than it had in the last two months, the sky gleaming a brilliant blue.

That having been said, you're disappointed to find that the weather is still abysmally cold, leaving you shivering beneath your bed sheets. Can Nagi really be expected to play on a chilly day like this?

You can only hope that he'll be fine as you pick out your outfit- you contemplate wearing blue for Blue Lock, but you also don't want to seem way too eager (even if you are.)

You end up going for a cute pastel green instead- not too contrasting from blue, but not too similar either. You make sure to layer up so that you don't get ill in the stadium.

You've never been to watch a football match before, and you're not quite sure to expect- but none of that really matters, because what's most important is that Nagi's going to be there, in the flesh, waiting for you.

You'll probably have to hold yourself back the entire match to stop yourself from running onto the football pitch and leaping on top of him, though.

You grab your coat and dash out of the house as soon as you're ready (breakfast isn't that important, right?), slipping on your shoes and leaving the house before your parents can wake up and try force you to stay home because of the cold.

You're hit by a gust of cold wind the second you step outside, and it blows your coat straight out of your hand, and you watch helplessly as it tumbles through the wind-

Only for it to stop suddenly, clutched in the grasp of none other than Ba-ya, and the familiar face catches you off guard.

"Here you go." Ba-ya walks over to you, and slips the coat over your shoulders, gently leading your arms through the sleeves till it's wrapped warmly around your body, zipped up below your chin.

"Ba-ya?" You're in utter disbelief, mouth gaping open like a fish out of water. "What are you doing here?"

She smiles, but it's a got a melancholy edge to it, not quite reaching her eyes.

"I knew you'd be going to the match today."

You look up at her curiously. "You're coming too?"

She shakes her head sadly. "Reo's parents received invites, but they refuse to go. I'm not permitted to go either, so I'm glad that you are."

Your mouth runs dry. You suddenly feel incredibly guilty- you'd been so hung up on Nagi this whole time, that you'd forgotten that you're going to be able to see Reo, too, even after all that fussing you'd done with Nagi about him.

And the fact that nobody's going on his behalf...

"Ba-ya, that's terrible," You say remorsefully. "I feel so bad now."

"You shouldn't be," Ba-ya chides lightly, patting your shoulder. "You're attending, so you can make sure Reo isn't all alone. I'm sure he isn't, because of Nagi, but it'll be nice for him to see somebody else he knows, too."

That only makes you feel worse, but you smile sweetly at Ba-ya regardless, not wanting to make her worry.

"Yeah, you're right."

Ba-ya grabs your hand and pulls you down the road, and stops by a sleek black car- not quite as fancy as the limousine she used to drive Reo around in, but not exactly regular either. "I've got something to give you."

"For me?" You peer curiously over her shoulder as she opens the passenger seat door and digs around in one of the compartments of her car. "You shouldn't have."

𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢 | Nagi Seishirou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now