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Over the lengthening time that he's away, you and Nagi settle into a comfortable routine- he calls you during the evening, to avoid you getting into trouble at school (having your phone confiscated for a week because Nagi simply wouldn't stop dialling your number hadn't been fun at all, for either of you) , telling you about his day and you doing the same.

He doesn't call you every single day; sometimes, he's too tired, or he's late-night training with Reo.

Today, however, is different- the date marks his two week anniversary in Blue Lock, and whilst it's not really that long, it feels like an eternity for you.

As of right now, that's not what's bothering you; it's the troubled expression on Nagi's face as he listens to you talk, his grey eyes clouded over and his mouth downturned.

"Nagi," You decide to just abandon what you were saying to him and address the issue. "What's the matter with you? Did something happen?"

"Hm?" Nagi hums as he slowly meets your gaze, running a hand through soft white locks to push his hair out of his eyes.

"You didn't tell me about your game today. Against Team Z, right?" You prompt, and you know it hasn't gone well when his jaw clenches.

"Yeah," He concedes, holding his phone so close to himself that you can only see the light blue of his sweatshirt and the bottom of his chin. "Against Team Z."

"You lost, huh?"


Ah, that explains it.

"You're only human, Nagi," You sigh, wanting more than ever to be able to reach through the screen and run your fingers through his hair and console him. "It happens."

"It's  frustrating. I really don't like this feeling."

"That's a good thing then," You tell him. "Means that you'll try harder next time, that there's room for improvement."

"... I guess you're right." Nagi says, and you hate how distant he sounds.

"I usually am," You try for a joke, and Nagi chuckles slightly, the sound of his amusement making your heart flutter.

"You usually are." He echoes softly.

You feel yourself melting into a puddle on your bed, and clear your throat, wanting to move on the conversation and absolve whatever weird tension Nagi's settled over the two of you.

"Anyways, you're through, aren't you? To the next round or whatever."

"I am, yeah," Nagi's still clutching his phone to his chest, but you decide not to say anything about it. "Now we've got to just train and stuff to improve before meeting the other teams in the other buildings."

"Is that why I can hear Reo aggressively counting his push-ups in the background?"

"Not just him, Zantetsu too. Except Zantetsu can barely count so Reo's counting for both of them."

"I can count!" Zantetsu's indignant protest leads both you and Nagi to burst out laughing. "It just gets confusing when Reo counts over me!"

"Yeah, yeah, make your excuses," Nagi huffs. "Doesn't change the fact that you're an idiot."

You feel slightly relieved, glad that Nagi's mood seems to have improved.

You're also slightly intrigued-he never seemed to be that interested in football before, so him taking this loss to heart is new. Blue Lock really has changed him, you suppose, whether for better or worse, you aren't sure yet.

𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢 | Nagi Seishirou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now