Bonus Chapter | Happy Birthday Nagi!

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It's Nagi's birthday today, so here's a bonus chapter to celebrate + thank you all for the love on this fic.

Ignoring current events, this takes place somewhere between chapters 5 and 6 and is referenced in chapter 10- and also has nothing to do with Nagi's birthday, but still. Just enjoy the content.


"I can't do this anymore," Nagi huffs as he flops down onto the grass of the football pitch, slinging an arm over his eyes to shield them from the blazing sun. "I'm tired."

"Oh, come on, Nagi!" Reo protests immediately, resting his foot over the ball and wiping at his face with the hem of his shirt. "We've barely even started."

"But it's so hot." Nagi whines, writhing around the ground, and you feel inclined to agree, the sun beating down incessantly over the three of you.

"Yeah, but you'll feel hotter if you lie down on the grass like that!" Reo throws his hands up in exasperation. "You can be so difficult, dude."

"Could you please tell Reo to go away?" Nagi peers up at you from under his arm with a pout. "He'll listen to you, so-"

"Well, could you please tell Nagi to get up off his lazy ass and practice?" Reo shoots back, more at Nagi then at you, and Nagi blows a raspberry at him.

"You two are acting like babies," You comment, and they both turn to you with a frown. "Why don't you just compromise?"


It's the first time today that they've been in sync with each other, so you decide to count it as a win either way.

"Okay, I'm bored of hearing you two cry, and I don't feel like wasting my summer break babysitting," You cross your arms over your chest sternly. "So I think I'll leave you guys to it and return to my lovely, air-conditioned home."


You take one step, and then another, grabbing your bag from where it's been discarded alongside Nagi and Reo's things and sling it over your shoulder.

You only manage to take a few more steps, walking past Nagi's sprawled out body before he pipes up from his resting place on the grass, stretching out one of his stupidly long legs in an attempt to trip you over.

"Don't be like that," He says, and you hop over his shin, unbothered. "What if I die? What if Reo actually kills me?"

You stop at that, holding in your laughter as Reo's jaw drops open comically and he points an accusing finger at Nagi's face.

"Don't give her that!" Reo squawks indignantly in protest, his tiny ponytail sticking upwards at the back of his head. "You're going to be the death of me, Nagi, seriously. Quit crying and get up already, or I'll have to-"

"Woah, chill out, Mr purple angry bird, don't start catapulting at me." Nagi retorts as he swats Reo's hand away from his face, and you lose whatever control you had over yourself and burst out laughing, only fuelling the fire of Reo's rage and leading Nagi to smirk smugly at him.

"That's not even funny!" Reo complains, but he can't stay mad for long- his eyes meet yours and then he starts laughing too, clutching his stomach as Nagi mimics the face he'd been making, and soon all three of you are in hysterics on the ground, gasping for air.

"Oh, man," Reo wipes the tears away from his eyes, still chuckling slightly. "I don't even know why we started dying like that, because that was something a year five kid would say."

"Nah, I'm just hilarious." Nagi replies, blankly as ever, and Reo scoffs.

"Yeah, right." You tease, pushing his shoulder slightly. "Just go back to sleep on the grass, Nagi, before Reo gets Ba-ya to behead you for insulting him like that."

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