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You wake up bright and early the next morning; despite it being a Saturday, and the fact that Nagi won't be up until at least midday, you're determined to look your absolutely best today.

You and Nagi have a tradition of going to the arcade every weekend (you used to go every other weekday, but his football practice doesn't allow for that anymore)- you'd never particularly enjoyed games, but they're something you've come to love when it comes to playing against Nagi, as it had initially been the only thing he showed interest in.

Now, however, he's starting to show interest in you, too...

So if you play your cards right today, you might be able to get somewhere with him. If not a date, then at the very least you might able to make him think about you all the goddamn time, because it's only fair seeing as Nagi Seishirou is on your mind 24/7.

You pull out all the stops with your skincare, going so far as to even wear a sheet mask beforehand to make sure your skin is glowing- which it is, if you do say so yourself.

You're not quite sure on what to do with your hair; Nagi's never really stated a preference, so you're torn between fun, bouncy curls and sleek straight hair. You decide on going straight, busting out your hair straightener that you only use on special occasions- well, today falls under that criteria- and running it through your hair till it's smooth and pin straight.

You take your time on your makeup, not wanting to mess it up. You go simple with it, nothing too extravagant, but definitely noticeable- you even add light blue glitter around your eyes, knowing that Nagi likes that colour on you.

Your outfit comes last; you'd picked it out last night, and you can't wait to show up to the arcade wearing it. You slip into your light blue crop top, paired with a plain white pleated skirt and baby blue Lolita-style pumps, paired with white socks and a small white knit cardigan.

You admire yourself in the mirror, confident that Nagi's eyes are going to bug out of his head when he sees you. And if they don't, well, you know you look good regardless. Though it would be nice to actually get a plausible reaction out of him, just one time.

You grab your handbag and leave the house, deciding to bus it to the arcade that you and Nagi usually take. Once you arrive, you aren't surprised to see that he's already there, seated at some fight game machine and tapping away.

He's wearing a baggy, oversized grey pullover hoodie with matching sweatpants, an outfit that you know he likes because it's comfy and requires minimal effort. He looks good, annoyingly- then again, you're so down bad for him, you'd think he looks good in anything.

You sneak up on him from behind, grabbing his shoulders with a "Boo!" and smiling from ear to ear as he startles.

"Oh, hey." He nods at you, never taking his eyes off the screen.

"Hi." You reply, waiting patiently for him to be done. You keep your hands on his shoulders, content with feeling his muscles bunch underneath your fingertips as he plays the game. He doesn't try to shake you off, either, which delights you.

Once he's done- and as always, has beaten the game high score, which was his own from last time you guys came- he turns to face you, and you can see his grey eyes widen as he takes in your appearance.

"You..." His voice trails off,  and you can practically hear the cogs turning in his brain as he looks you from head to toe. He even reaches out his hand to run it through a silky smooth strand of hair, amazed.

"I what?" You ask innocently, batting your eyelashes. Looks like your efforts weren't for waste.

"You look really nice," He says, staring at you, and you watch as his eyes travel all over your face.

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