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"I didn't pick Reo."

Nagi's leaning all casual against the headboard of his bed as he talks to you, face as impassive and blank as ever.

You're not quite sure what to say.

You could push it, but you don't want a repeat of what happened last time. But then again, if you ignore it, he might get the impression that you're annoyed with him.

"Okay." Is all you can say.

"I don't want to talk about it right now though, so don't ask."

The camera jolts and you see a clothed elbow come into view, digging into Nagi's side and jostling him.

"That's how you talk to your girlfriend? Really?" A voice you've never heard before hisses. "You're unbelievable, Nagi. Unbelievable."

Nagi pouts, pushing whoever it is besides him lightly. "Ow, Chigiri. That hurt."

Chigiri's face pops into the frame; he's incredibly beautiful, with soft, almost feminine features. Long, silky red hair frames his face, and he's got such long eyelashes that you feel a little jealous.

"Hi, Nagi's unfortunate girlfriend," He offers you a little wave. "If I were you, I'd break up with him right this second and stomp all over his pathetic little heart for talking to you like that. But that's just me personally."

His words take you by surprise; out of all the things Nagi's Blue Lock buddies have said to you, this is the most random sentence you've heard.

You burst out laughing immediately. "What?"

"Chigiri!" Nagi whines, trying to push the redhead's face out of his personal space and failing miserably. "Don't give advice like that! What if she actually listens?"

"Hi, Chigiri," You say over Nagi, pretending you can't see him. "That's some wonderful advice you've given me. Really opened my eyes."

"Hey!" Nagi protests, but it's drowned out by Chigiri's response.

"You're welcome," He winks. "Anytime, okay?"

You can't see because Nagi's phone starts shaking like crazy, but you're pretty sure Nagi kicks Chigiri off the bed- you hear a dull thud as he lands on the floor.

"Nagi!" You gasp, a hand over your mouth. "Don't tell me you kicked my dearest Chigiri off the bed?"

"He did!" Chigiri cries from his new home on the ground. "Your boyfriend is a savage!"

"Would you guys cut it out?" Nagi practically screams, and you and Chigiri laugh at his discomfort.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." You concede, still giggling slightly. "I'm just joking with you."

"Yeah, man," Chigiri climbs back up onto Nagi's bed. "Not my fault I get along with your girlfriend better than you do."

"Shut up."

"So I take it you're the lucky man that got picked for Nagi's team then?" You ask.

"Yeah. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm here in Reo's place."

He doesn't sound apologetic at all.

You laugh slightly. "I'm not disappointed. Even then, my opinion doesn't matter, because I'm here and you're there, with Nagi."

"It does matter," Chigiri insists. "Nagi talks about you all the time. He just won't shut up-"

"That's not true." Nagi interrupts calmly, but the speed and urgency with which he says it is far too telling. "You're exaggerating."

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