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You're up and ready at 8 in the morning, which is highly unusual considering you don't have school today.

You normally dread Mondays, waking up with a pit in your stomach and a steady-brewing migraine.

But not today.

You've already showered, done your hair and makeup and changed into your outfit before your father wakes up to leave for work, and you wait around in your living room, restless.

You'd texted Nagi the second you'd woken up, but there's still no response. He's got to be asleep.

Which is understandable; after all, it's his first day of freedom from his football prison, and anyone would leap at the chance to have a lie-in.

And you're happy for him, sure- but still. You need to see him.

And what's stopping you?

You slip on your shoes: you've gone dainty and elegant for today's look, and so you're opting for a pair of closed-toe heels with a bow on them, to help bring out your feminine side.

You're just hoping today won't include a lot of walking- which it shouldn't, if things go to plan- because you can already feel the blisters you're going to get from it.

Beauty is pain, and for Nagi, you'll endure it.

You hop onto the nearest bus; Nagi's apartment is nothing but 15 minutes away, and you're at his apartment building in no time.

He lives in flat 17- you know this because he'd told you, and you remember because it shares the same name with that one K-pop band Reo likes.

You buzz his apartment once, twice, three times- and there's still no answer.

Damn Nagi and his heavy sleeping habits.

You buzz again desperately; he won't pick up his calls either, and at this point, you really might just spend the next few hours waiting for him to let you in.

"You know, you can buzz all you like but the door won't open unless I'm actually home to open it."

Nagi's voice from behind startles you, and you practically jump out of your skin.

You turn, seeing your boyfriend standing there, scratching the back of his head. He's clad in a big light grey sweater and dark grey cotton pants, a shopping bag in his left hand.

"Nagi!" You all but shriek, dashing towards him (as fast as your heels will allow) and wrapping your arms around him for a hug.

At least, that was what you had intended, but he's dropped his bag and lifted you up in his arms, and your hands end up wrapping around his head instead, pressing his face into your chest.

Your entire face flushes red and you release him immediately.

"I'm- so sorry," You stammer, stroking his hair and avoiding eye contact. "That was... a complete accident."

"It's fine," Judging by his voice, you can tell he's smiling. "Kinda enjoyed it, actually."

"Shut up!" You lightly slap his head, but you can't stay mad at him for long. "You did that on purpose."

"And maybe I did," He nuzzles his head into your neck, voice vibrating against your skin. "So what?"

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" You ask, enjoying the physical contact- you decide to let him indulge himself, not willing to tear away from him just yet.

"Left it in my room somewhere."

You roll your eyes. "Of course you did."

You can feel his eyelashes brushing against the skin of your neck and he closes them, arms tightening around you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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