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You've known Nagi practically your whole life. He went to the same daycare as you, attended the same schools as you, always lived nearby- yet you've never spoken to him.

You don't really know the reason why. It's not as if he's an intimidating guy; he's always been quite the opposite, a gently spoken, sleepy presence that's been consistently in the background of your life.

It's been 14 years that you've known him, and now that you're starting high school, you feel compelled to talk to him. You find yourself drawn to him, and you don't really know why- maybe it's because he's mysterious? Maybe it's the fact that you've known each other forever yet have never acknowledged it?

Either way, as of right now, you find yourself squashed up next to him in an overly crowded uniform shop, shoved in the corner of the Hakuho High School section by a sea of parents.

It's absolute chaos. For such prestige, wealthy people, you'd think that these adults would have some decorum. A mother almost shoves you face first into a rack of white blazers as she stomps past you, and an arm darts out to curl around your shoulders and pull you back before you're impaled through the head.

You look up at your saviour- of course, it's Nagi himself, standing there besides you with a tired expression on his face, grey eyes blank. His arm stays curled around your shoulder, and it feels as if he's using you as an armrest.

He's quite tall for a 14 year old- you suspect he stands at roughly 172 centimetres, which is just unfair.

"Thanks." You tell him, smiling at him pleasantly.

It's the first word you've ever said to him.

"It's fine." He replies nonchalantly. It's the first thing he's ever said to you.

His arm is still around your shoulder. You find that you don't really mind it.

"So," You say slowly. "You're going to Hakuho as well?"

Nagi hums in response. You've always known him to be a man of few words, but you're starting to realise just how few.

"I wonder if you'll be in my class." You add. A father shuffles past you, and you step back a little bit. Nagi follows.

"That would mean we've been in the same class since we were three."

"You noticed?" Your eyebrow raises in surprise.

"Obviously I noticed," Nagi shrugs. "I'm not dumb."

You look at him, and that's when you realise that he's holding a paper bag in his other hand, with the Hakuho High School logo on it.

You peek inside, and realise he's already got his uniform- there's a pack of shirts and two grey trousers in the bag, along with a dark blue tie. The only thing he doesn't have is his blazer, which is presumably why he's standing in this section.

You become horrified as it dawns on you that you've been making idle conversation with him, not realising that he just wants to grab a blazer and go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You exclaim, panicked. "I didn't realise you already had your stuff, otherwise I would've just left you alone!"

"Why're you apologising for?" He blinks at you. "I don't have everything, anyway. I forgot that I need a blazer."

"Right," you nod, shrugging his arm off your shoulder to move out of his way, gesturing at the racks beside you. "Here you are! Take your pick."

He frowns at the blazers, adorably confused. "Which one is my size?"

You stare at him in disbelief. "You don't know? Just try one on and see."

𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢 | Nagi Seishirou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now