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You're jolted awake one night when your phone rings.

You squint in the dark to see the time on your clock: it's nearly one in the morning, and you wonder groggily who it is that would be awake at this time, reaching over to grab your phone off your desk.

It's Nagi.

He's got his phone back?

You bolt upright, suddenly wide awake, clearing your throat to avoid sounding like a demon when you answer.

"Nagi?!" You exclaim as soon as you pick up the call. "I thought you weren't allowed your phone!"

"... Hello to you as well."

His voice makes you want to burst into tears- it's only been slightly over a week, but you've missed talking to him so much. He sounds more tired than usual, but then again, it's not exactly the ideal time of day to be having a conversation.

"Sorry, hello, yes," You gush excitedly. "I'm just- oh, I missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too." He says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.

"I thought you weren't allowed your phone though?" You repeat, confused.

"We weren't, in the start," He explains patiently. "But this first selection has a rule where you can cash out your goals for prizes, and I scored three goals today for my phone."

"Ah, that's nice then," You reply, smiling so much your cheeks hurt. "So you decided to give me a call at one in the morning?"

"It's not my fault, okay!" He protests, whining slightly as he elaborates. "First, I needed to charge it, then I got side-tracked playing games, then I had lunch, then practice, and then it was bedtime."

"Well, now we can talk whenever, right?"

"Yeah, I think. Although Reo says I should try not to go on my phone too much or Ego will take it from me."

"Ego?" The name sounds vaguely familiar, but you can't place a finger on where you'd heard it.

"He's the guy in charge of this place. He's such a pain."

"Ah, okay. Anyways, what're you doing up this late? What time do you guys have to go to bed?"

"Eleven, usually. But I can't sleep," He complains, and you hear a rustle as he presumably shifts around under the sheets. "Zantetsu snores so loudly."

"New friend of yours?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. You know, when me and Reo first saw him, he had his pants on his head and he was crying because he was being suffocated by them."

You burst out laughing at the mental image you're met with, and he laughs quietly on the phone with you.

"Okay, wow, he must be really dumb." You giggle, wiping tears from your eyes.

"Trust me, he is."

"So how's Reo? He didn't want to get his phone back?"

"Nah, he's saving up his goals so he can get a new bed, because he says these futons are F-tier."

"Sounds about right."

You spend the next hour or so amicably talking with Nagi, catching him up on what you'd done over the week (which isn't much, but he insists on hearing it) and then him getting you up to date with what's been happening over on his side.

He describes how he'd beaten Nameoka in that initial entrance test, and you don't tell him that you already know, wanting to hear his voice for as long as you can.

𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢 | Nagi Seishirou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now