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The rest of your evening is spent doing your homework due for tomorrow- at least, that was what you had intended to do, but you keep finding yourself thinking about earlier.

Your heart flutters when you think about the way he'd spoken to you after his win against Aomori Dadada High School- the way he'd called you over to him, the way he'd rested his chin on your head, the way he'd called you his good luck charm.

Come to think of it- hadn't you said that to him before?

You sit up straight in your desk chair as you rack your brains for the memory; it had been last year, outside the uniform store...

"Most people think I'm unlucky." He'd told you. You hadn't liked how casual he'd sounded about it, as if it was normal for people to say that about him when he was obviously so much more that.

"Well, you aren't for me." You'd said confidently, and you'd be damned if you didn't mean it. "You can be my good luck charm."

You knew it! You'd definitely said that to him before.

You think back on the events of today- Nagi had just repeated your own words back to you, so does that mean he didn't mean anything special by it?

You shake your head. No, it can't be. Otherwise he wouldn't have said anything, right?

Oh dear, you think. Am I really down this bad? Why am I grasping at straws that aren't there?

With that , you snap yourself out of your thoughts and return your attention back to the incomplete geography homework waiting in front of you.

You're idly answering a question about coastal erosion when the thought crosses your mind again- it genuinely can't be a coincidence, can it?

You look at your phone where it's charging on your bed and snatch it up. You scroll through your contacts until you see Nagi's name, and call his number, determined to get to the bottom of this.

He picks up after the first ring. You refuse to let yourself get excited over it; he's always on his phone, so you'd be concerned if he didn't answer immediately.

"Hello?" His voice is as gentle as ever, and you turn up the volume on your phone to hear him better.

"Hi, Nagi!" You greet cheerfully.

"What did you call me for?"

"Oh, you know. Just because." You laugh nervously.

"...You want me to pick the colour of your nail polish again, is that what? Because you know I like the light blue, so-"

"It's not that." You interrupt, your face flushing red. You're thankful that this is a voice call and not a video call, because the last thing you need is Nagi seeing you blush at everything he says. "It's just... you said something earlier and it's been on my mind ever since."

"Oh, yeah, me too." You hear rustling, presumably as he sits up in his bed. "You're thinking about what I said when the gorilla from that loser team asked me if you were my girlfriend, right?"

You're stunned. No, you weren't, but now you certainly are.

Nagi apparently takes your silence as a yes.

"I know I answered in this weird way that kinda made it seem like we were dating," He continues. "So if that upset you, then sorry."

"Why would that upset me?" You ask, genuinely perplexed.

"You tell me, I don't know."

Trust Nagi to make things even more confusing. What were you even expecting from him?

𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢 | Nagi Seishirou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now