Chapter 20: Learning Mafia with Sun and Lightning Sensei!

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A/N: HEY, so...I'm really sorry for the long wait and all that.


Edited  at Jan 4 , 2015,    7:59 pm


"Now that everythings done for the first half of their lessons, you will join them for lunch" Reborn stated as he polished one of his favorite guns, smirking on his own amusement. "Eh, but I think that-" insert an explosion here " the two aren't finish yet" and another explosion, the Decimo answered as he signed his name on the report of one of his guardian's mission. The Decimo sighed when he heard more explosions by the on coming minute, while his tutor just smirked with glee when screaming was heard. Tsuna signed one last paper and smiled happily. 'Finally! everythings done!' he thought.

"Then go and tell your classmates it's dinner time" Reborn kicked his pupil's head and dissapeared out of sight.

Tsuna pouted and looked at the stacks of paperwork he finished.

"Mou~ That Reborn."


"Gahhh! Yamamoto-san! Please stop it!!" One of the guys shouted, trying to stop everything.

Kaneda, who was really pissed off of the explosions finally voiced his thoughts out. He knew well that dealing with the two on his own would not work but hey, better than nothing right? So, all Kaneda did was voice out his a louder fashion that is.

"Yamamoto! Gokudera! Hoy! you two stop already!" he shouted out.

The two guardians stopped and looked at their classmate. Yamamoto smiled happily as he nodded while Gokudera glared at both his fellow guardian and his classmate. "On one condition" Yamamoto said. All eyes fell on the rain, even the storm was surprised at the oncoming words that came.

"You guys stop bullying Tsuna...." Everyone sighed and nodded "...and..." there was something off with his voice, that was what the students thought. "Everyone will listen to your lessons and all. ne? Takeshi?" a voice came from the door. Almost everyone woke up in happiness as they heard the angel's voice.

"Correct, secretary-kun~" Yamamoto laughed.

Tsuna smiled happily and groaned as he saw his classmates on the ground ready to go to heaven. "Everyone..lunch is served..but before that.." Tsuna walked out of the room and came in again, but this time with his Sun guardian in tow. "Onii-san, kindly help them. Please." Ryohei blinked before nodding and shouting encouragement to the group of students with his usual 'EXTREMES'. "Everybody follow me to the EXTREME!!" the sun shouted, voice full of energy and power.

Despite their bruises and scratches, the students quickly walked towards Ryohei and huddle together, shivering in fear as the two other guardians stared at them sternly. Tsuna calmly walked towards his two guardians and grabbed their arms. When the two looked at their boss, they both knew they were dead.


"What were you guys thinking!?" Tsuna all but screamed at his office. Gokudera and Yamamoto opened their mouths to voice out their opinions, but was quickly shut when a glare was directed their way. "Yes, I know that you guys want to get revenge for me, but that's mean! And-And-"

"But Tsuna, we were only teaching them the best way to know more about the Vongola" Yamamoto started with a smile. Oh, that smile. Tsuna was quite sure it was a mask to hide Yamamoto's own amusement. "Y-yes, Juudaime! We were only doing what you wanted us to do." Gokudera was a different one. He plastered that puppy dog face that he improved for 'reasons'- unknown. All Tsuna could do is sigh as he stared at his two guardians. Really, no matter what happens he really has a soft spot for his guardians.

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