Chapter 3: Vongola flight!

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Edited: 3/18/13 9:50 pm


"There are currently three floors in this airplane. This, as you all see is the first floor, around the back there is the stairs and a few rooms for massages and a small spa. On the second floor , there is a canteen where the food you desire would be there for free, two gaming rooms and and other special necessities you need. Also, a warning for you all, no one shall go to the third floor. Other information are inside the map." The co-pilot said and with a smile and a clap he let the students go roam around the room.

When everyone started to roam around the plane, some students dared to go to the third floor, but unfrotunately guards were there to block their way. When they noticed this, almost everyone thought that the decimo was there. They were close alright, the decimo's guardians along with I-pin and Bianchi are there.

Now roaming around, Tsuna and his two guardians went to the canteen to eat lunch and right behind them were the Axelia Famiglia coming in and getting closer by the second.

"Juudaime, do you really think they won't be bothering us?" Gokudera asked, fidling with his ring, Uri purred in return, loving the affection her master was giving her ."No Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto uh... please put your sword down" He said while Yamamoto smiled and put his sword on his side again.

"Hoy! Dame-Tsuna!" Kuihiru shouted, making Tsuna frown along with his two guardians who gripped their weapons."Che! Ne! Dame-Tsuna! get me some menu B and the others Menu A!" Kuihiru shouted ordering the young boss.

"What!? You dare mphnpp!" Gokudera shouted but Yamamoto cut him off by covering his hand by the silverettes mouth. "I-it's fine Gokudera-kun!" Tsuna held back his storm guardian, thanking Yamamoto in the process for helping him hold Gokudera back.


"NOW!" Kuihiru emphasized and gowent to a table fit for them or at least fit for their taste. The trio quickly went away, the boss heaving a sigh and the two guardians with a light bulb and smirk.

~after 15 minutes~

"Hai!" Tsuna said with Gokudera and Yamamoto walking behind him. "Where's the food?" Kei and Rei asked looking behind the trio. The other Axelias looked at the trio, Kuihiro as about to shout but he stopped when he saw the brunette give a smile too sweet for words.

"The best for the boss of the Axelia Famiglia, Am I right?" Tsuna's head tilted to the side and with another super sweet smile, he gave off a bit of his 'boss' aura. Suddenly  six chefs came around with maids in tow with the carts of food, they all stood there proud and tall, knowing that their boss personally asked them to come with him. The Axelia Famiglia shuddered at the feeling both from Dame-Tsuna and the stafg gave off. Kishuun was the first one to get out of their 'shudder' experience and stated "Y-yeah! Just go already, your making the food worse" The Axelia famiglia quickly noticed the angry stares and glares that came from the staff but waved it off, but Kishuun was confused. Why would they get mad? 

When the whole fiasco was over, the Vongola trio quickly went towards the third floor, some students giving confused looks. Finally, when they were about to enter, one of the guards came and said; "Sorry, but only Vongola Allies and the Famgilia may come in." The guard said, his japanese rough.

Noticing that the newbie was talking to a familliar brunette, the other guard set his coffee aside and went towards the four, eyes quickly widening. "Decimo?" the guard asked, making sure he wasn't hallucinating. Tsuna turned and smiled "Ara Agapeto-san! Long time no see". The guard now known as Agapeto smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about him, his new"

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