Chapter 1: GASP! Reboyama- sensei....returns!!

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" "= actual words

' '= thoughts


(edited:3/8/13    4:45 pm)

--------------------------(3RD POV)

Tsuna slummped back at his seat while he tried to stay awake at the Homeroom lessons or some reminders his teacher was giving them. He looked at his two guardians who were already fast asleep, tucked in uncomfortably at their desks.He then looked around, the students were trying to listen as well, but all Nezu-sensei can do was clear his throat.

It didn't work.

He cleared it again, this time luder.

No one looked at his.

He coughed hard.

Someone yawned

He coughed blood

Everyone looked at him and saw a small packet of ketchup.

Were they just tricked? Answer? Yes, yes they were.

"Now onto other pressing matters" Nezu said as he looked around, his eyes landing on Tsuna. Tsuna visibly flinched as he felt his teacher's glare at him.

Tsukuyama, the class rep raised her hand, signifying a question just popped out of her head. "Yes?" "Is it about the new field trip?" , "Yes, it is. Unfortunately Reboyama-sensei will be handling that case for me."

'HIIIIIEE!!!!!!!' Tsuna thought as his caramel eyes opened wide. The door slid open and there you see Reborn in his lab coat and all.

'NO NO NO NO NO NO NO '  Tsuna repeated in his mind, trying to wake up from the so-called nightmare he though he was in. Luck was not on the brunettes side as he saw Reborn smirking at him. Reborn jumped towards Nezu's shoulder, landing perfectly with grace and poise.

"Now everyone, a very good friend of mine has given me an offer I cannot refuse, but of course it has it's up's and down's " He started, beady eyes looking at the Decimo.

The class rep. then raised her hand. She stood and asked

"Who and what do you mean?" 

"Good answer Tsukuyama. The who part cannot be answered as he wants to meet you students personally first. Now as I said, this has it's ups and downs, and fortunately the down part is that you will not be going to Kyoto like the other students but to Italy. The good thing is that everything is free of charge, except for your pocket money" he stated.

'I-Italy?? Reborn!' Tsuna again thought, not having the courage to say it out loud especially when his tutor is infront of him.

"Now, the information will be given by a student of mine"  The tutor said, clapping his hands, indicating someone should enter.

The door swung open revealing a handsome face with blonde hair and delicate brown eyes. As soon as everyone had a glimpse of the man, every girl (not really) inside the room screamed and sqealed. All the the storm, the rain and Kyoko could do was stare at Tsuna. Tsuna, having all the direct attention shrugged and sighed. 

"D-Dino-san" Tsuna said or you can say shrieked at this point.

Dino flashed a smile to Tsuna, which almost every girl thought it was for them. The Cavallone boss quickly shiushed the class when he noticed his once mentor glare at him with those scary beady eyes.

"Good morning everyone, I am Dino- sensei. I'm going to be explaining what we will be doing in Italy and the good friend of Reboyama-sensei" Dino said observing his little brother's reaction. And he was right, his little brother was visibly shaking of fear and alarm.

Reborn jumped from Nezu-sensei's shoulder towards the front desk and said; "No questions till later..." Reborn turned Leon into a gun "... not unless you want to go the clinic" Reborn said,making  everyone shudder.

Dino smiled, making others go out of their 'I'm-scared' face and looked at Tsuna with a reassuring smile. When Nezu got the point, he quickle went to the side of the classroom to observe. With one last smile and with one last sweat drop, Dino finally opened his mouth and said;

"Well, this summer your class will be having Italian classes in Italy. Not only that but the Vongola Decimo has also allowed you all to be part of his dear corporation*  .  Now, all you have to do is fill in some forms and signatures and we'll all be happy "

Everyone stared at him. 

As they heard the term Vongola they all started to whisper and talk about it. Vongola was currently the riches and most powerful corporation or industry in the world. Almost everyone knew it but ofcourse, no one knows of the mafia.


'Well, maybe this summer won't be so bad' Almost everyone thought.

'HHHHHIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!' Tsuna shrieked in his mind.

Like I said almost  everyone thought.


Me: woot wooot! well at least it wan't 4 days! but soo sorry for the shortness


Reborn: (points gun at Tsuna) Dame- Tsuna be quiet!

Me: Gomenasai Tsuna, Reborn said there would be fights there~

Tsuna: Reborn!

Reborn: Yes Dame- Tsuna? (Smirks  evilly)


*Gokudera enters with Yamamoto*

Gokudera: Juudaime! (get's dynamites)

Yamamoto: maa...maaa. Gokudera- kun calm down

Me: Well, there would be more! muwahahahahahaha.


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