Chapter 8: Surprise attack pt 2

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me: Hello! and welcome back to my fanfic

Tsuna: HAI! Suzu-chan! does not own KHR!

me: Arigatou Tsuna!

Tsuna:*bow* don't mentio-

*get's kick*

Tsuna: Who-

*get's kick again* *looks around*


me: hahahaha well, someone's here alright! 

Mukuro: kufufufufu-


Mukuro: hey!

me: START *mukuro shouts at the background, Tsuna just stares at him*


edited: 3/30/13 11:00pm


"Let the fight begin" Peter grinned, raising his right hand.

Not more than a second, thirty inhuman figures came dow from the ceiling. Each had a white cloth with symbols written all over it, a bird at the center, a gun on one side while a heart on the other.

"Hayato, Takeshi" Tsuna said plainly, clicking his fingers .

"Everyone, get ready!" Kuihiro added, getting his fifteen inches double short blade from his pants. Kei and Rei both smirked, getting their own swords out. Kei held his sword on his right while Rei held it on his left, both getting into defensive moves. Nezuru got up from his seat and shoved his hands inside a long length bag, he thenstared emotionlessly at the bag when he tried to get something out.

Kishuun sighed when he noticed Nezuru's problem.  his hands reached for something from the his back and another from his leg, and woosh~ came out a gun and a dagger. Finally getting the weapon out, Tsuna blinked at the long spear Nezuru had. How did that fit inside the bag!?

Everyone looked at the Axelia famiglia and saw each weapon had a crest on it, a vine circling a sword and on the sword was a beautiful carving of vines and swords alltogether

While the Axelia came into a defensive stance around Kuihiro, Tsuna flew down towards his two bestfriends and finally nodded his head. . With a smirk and a clap of hands from Peter, Leo let his body fall to the ground. The ground shook as he fell to the ground.  "Now.. now... Leo will you let me play with them too? It seems that they are serious" Peter said and went down revealing a  pistol with their family crest on it.

Leo laughed and vanished only to reappear at Kuihiro's front. Kuihiro took a step back, swaying his sword with all his strength, but was easily blocked by Peter with his small knife that he got from the tables.  "FOR COLOMBA FAMIGLIA!" Peter shouted and the inhuman figures ran towards their enemies without a second thought.

"Colomba , in italian it means dove right?" Yamamoto asked Gokudera who was using his buckle along with uri who was fighting with her claws and flames.

"It explains their crest" Kushiin said dodging a knife being thrown at him with ease.

Tsuna looked behind him as his guardinas and the Axelia famiglia attacked. When he saw Leo and Kuihiro he looked at how Kuihiro manage to stay alive, he wasn't simply dodging, he was doing some kind of acrobatic moves and a little too graceful. "Don't look away Decimo" Peter said as he pointed his two guns at Tsuna and pulled the trigger. Tsuna dodged it without flinching, he quickly vanished without a trace. Peter, narrowed his eyes trying to find the Decimo, but nothing came. 

Tsuna appeared behind Peter. He tried to kick his head, but was blocked by the guns shielding him. The impact was far to heavy for Peter , he flinched when he flew to the side of the building, his feet still intact to the ground. Without notice, Peter fell to his knees. He tried to stand, but was pinned with great ease by Tsuna. 

Leo and Kuihiro has been fighting faster and faster by the minute. Kuihiro jumped when Leo came forward and pushed his Knife towards him. They stopped when Leo chuckled quite loudly.

"Heh~ I never expected the Axelia to be this powerful" Leo said smirking with joy.

Kuihiro got angry at this and kicked Leo's head. Even though Leo flew, he flew to the wrong direction, yup he flew towards Tsuna and Peter. This gave Peter advantage, as Tsuna loosened his grip. Going back to the start, Leo ran towards Kuihiro while Tsuna and Peter  started to battle.

When Tsuna went back to the dissappearing acts, Peter laughed. "Decimo, are you that afraid of us!? Kahahahaha!" Peter taunted, but his tauntings were cut off as soon as he heard the Decimo's voice. "Kuihiro, excuse me." Tsuna said above them. Kuihiro nodded and backed away. Leo and Peter's eyes widened.

Tsuna streched his arms to the opposite sides. Soft flames behind him and Hard flames infront of him. He opened his mouth and said 

"X Burner version vongola"

The guardians along with the Axelia Famiglia backed away in time, but infortunately everything else was caught.

The Axelia Famiglia stared at him.

Tsuna's flames consumed the thirty robots, Peter and Leo. 

~on the other side of the mansion~

Everyone shivered when the earth shook beneath them.

Kenda cried out "What the heck is going on out there!?"

"Oh, just an attack, Calm down tothe EXTREME, Decimo is with them to the Extreme so Don't worry to the EXTREME!" Ryohei said with his calm (yeah right) voice.

The other students just stared at him and asked themselves

'Sempai, how are you taking this so calmly' They looked around and saw the others calm, including their dame classmate. 'How can THEY be so CALM!' they all thought again.

Nezu-sensei, who was now panicking came up to Reborn, or better known as Reboyama-sensei.

"Reboyama-san! how- whe- what-?" Nezu-sensei said panicking

"Calm down" he answered while sipping tea.

"Sensei, you should calm down. Decimo-sama is with them"  fake Tsuna reassured with a smile. But alas, it didn't work on the teacher.

*crash* there was an earthquake. Everyone panicked and when it stopped about five minutes later a head popped out of nowhere.

A smiling man said

"Hai, Minna, everyone's safe right? well let's go to Dinner it seems it's done" Tsuna said smiling under his mask.



Tsuna: it's fine, at least I didn't die...

me: *sigh* *cry*

Tsuna: Suzuz- chan! don't cry! or else I'm gonna - *cry*

*Hibari comes in*

Hibari: *stares a Tsuna* DON'T CRY! OR I WILL BITE YOU TO DEATH!

me: hahahha or something else....... *grin*

Tsuna: eh? what? eh?

me: BYE BYE! 

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