Chapter 9: Vongola! Battle mode! (gosh ! that sounds weird!)

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Tsuna: Hai!!!! Suzu-chan DOES NOT OWN KHR!

me: Yeah! cuz if it was me, there would be a lot of Yaoi! especially TSUNA X Xanxus or Hibari or Mukuro

*The three comes out*

X: what!?

me: Tsuna! Puppy dog eyes!

*Tsuna does it*

me: wahahaha! behold my power!

H: Che! *turns back at me and blushes*

me: Mukuro! 

M: kufufufufufu, Chrome's the only one for me


me: Cuz I'm the author!

Tsuna: WahhhhT.T

me: START!

Edited: 9/16/13 @ 8:31 PM


Tsuna's resolution was to protect everyone. And 'everyone' includes his classmates. Though they bullied him for the past years, he still is the golden-hearted Tsuna we know. Now, going back to the story, a day already passed since the incident. A day where they all sqealed and gossiped. No one knew who the Decimo was and everyone was still shocked at Tsuna and the guardians.

The next day was a 'field trip' day. A day where they will be toured around Rome. The group were in a bus. A bus that Vongola clearly owns. The first thing you could see were happy faces, the first thing you could smell inside was the scent of mixed perfume from the girls and the first thing you could hear was silence.

"Ne, ne Dame-Tsuna! Where's Decimo!?" One of the students said, cutting the silence. Everyone's attention then turned towards the brunette infront who smiled. "Ah, he had work to do and said we could have a day off and all" he said, waving his hand and smile not faultering. Thus, started the whispering and the talking. This made the aura loosen up a bit and a small smile to be plastered on Tsuna's face.

The colesseum was grand and magnificent. Many of the boys talked about the assassin's creed brotherhood while the girls sticked with the architectual work and the hunk italian men looking at them. 

 Gokudera, who is originally from Italy was asked to lead the tour with Tsukuyama, a.k.a, miss I-know-it-all.

Tsuna and Yamamoto stayed close to the Axelia Famiglia while the others were spreaded out. Gokudera as well was looking around like someone was going to attack them soon. The whole Colosseum was not as full as it was when Tsuna came here first ( though that time it was the peak season). Still, even if there were less people, almost all of them were foreigners. When Kuihiro noticed the odd gestures of the famiglia , he turned around to Tsuna, eyes narrowed, and asked angrily.

"What the hell is your problem? Can't you leave me alone for like a minute?"Now everyone was staring at the two. Even Gokudera and Tsukuyama stopped talking and walking, instead the two looked at the mafia bosses.

"Sorry" Tsuna answered eyeing a man behind Kuihiro, the man's glasses shone with the light and with a smirk, he left. Tsuna noticed the man was following them as they go from one place to the other a while ago and this

"Hey! are you listening!?" Kuihiro shouted

This made Tsuna snap back to reality and let his stare go. He sighed and said "Don't make such a rucus, I was just following you guys" 

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