oChapter 12: Breakfast

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me: YO!! MINNA!!

Tsuna: yo!

HIbari: Herbivore, Why am I here?

me: *sweat drop* eh..ah..well...disclaimer?

Hibari: *raise tonfa's*

Tsuna: Hi-Hibari-san! Don't fight *puppy dog eyes*

Hibari: *blush*

me: .....*takes pic* okay~ Disclaimer?

Tsuna and Hibari: *looks at each other and blush , then looks away then at me* 

HIbari: Suzuki

Tsuna *happily* Does not own

me: KHR!!!

Tsuna: Also, Suzu-chan would be giving you guys an extra long chappy *smiles sweetly*

HIbari: *blush then looks away* geh

me: So sad there are no pairing in the story T.T...... YOSH ON TO THE STORY


Edited @ 8:14 September 29,2013


Tsuna flickered his eyes wide open as soon as he heard leaves shuffling and a certain shadow came it's way towards him. He would have screamed when a ghostly presence was known, but remembering that Reborn was in the room beside him, so, he just did what he could. Pretended to sleep. Tsuna sat up from his bed when the ghostly presence turned into a familliar one  and rubbed his head. He knew something was up when his tutor was coming inside his room at 3:56 in the morning.

"What is it Reborn?" Tsuna asked, annoyance and drowsiness in his voice. "Hm...it seems, you have accomplished yet another lesson. You became more boss-like now" Reborn stated as he smirked and sat at one of the chairs beside the bed. Tsuna smirked and said "Well, thank you Reborn. Now, what do you want~" Tsuna asked again ,this time with a long sleepy yawn escaped his mouth. "Well what do you think? It doen't mean we're in Italy, we won't train. Also, today, you won't be with your classmates. They will stay inside one of the rooms if the mansion and will have a brief summary of the mafia world plus Italian lessons, then it seems your math teacher also have a lesson for your classmates or something in that way. We, on the other hand will train the whole morning while the Axelia will be given time to relax.-"

Tsuna's eyes widened "EH?? But Reborn!" Tsuna shouted with a whine, making sure his tutor will be annoyed at this, but alas, it did not work. 

"Shut up, Dame-Tsuna. At the afternoon, you and your guardians are to meet with the Axelia famiglia along with Settimo, who is lost... . Nono also said that you will be doing this ALONE, since you do it all the time when in Japan and it is always nice and perfect.- " "But!" " The guardians can come along. " "Ah! Th-"

And again he was cut off as soon as Tsuna got out of bed and was shouted "HHHIIIIIIEEE!!!!". Reborn cleared his throat making Tsuna flinch. " And after the meeting you have the whole day to yourselves again." Reborn smirked and got off the chair. Tsuna sighed and went back to his bed thinking he could have a little more rest before the tortu- I mean.. spartan training starts yet again. Reborn walked to the door and opened it, he stopped as soon as he remembered one more thing. "Tsuna,...." Reborn said as he adjusted his fedora to hide his eyes. Tsuna flinched when he noticed his tutor's aura harden. It's been a long time since he last saw his tutor with a serious expression.

"Yes, Reborn?"

"This field trip will be canceled. You and your guardians are to train here while your classmates  will stay at the mansion for protection. The enemy already knows them they could be indanger Tsuna, they all know the secrets now"

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