Chapter 4: Italy, Here's Vongola Decimo

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EDITED: 3/21/2013 1:02PM


Sighing, Tsuna plopped down onto his seat and looked out of the window. He was currently having a bad day and the boys beside, infront and behind him were not helping his mood to lighten up. He quickly paled when he remembered Reborn's punishment if he messed this one up.

"Hoy! Dame-Tsuna! have you been air sick lately?? aww!!" Kuihiro teased. Tsuna straightened up and tried to ignore the other. Unforrtunately for him his hyper intuition was flaring up and this just annoyed him to the EXTREME, in Ryohei's term. Finally getting a light bulb, he looked at the other with a bored face. "Ne, Kuihiro, I have a question about mafia" .Kuihiro and his gang looked at the Decimo and grinned  "HAHAHAHA! you have finally said it! now what is your question?" he asked with superiority.

Tsuna looked at him seriously "Do you know the face of Vongola Decimo?" 

Kuihiro stared at Tsuna for a while and then pouted like a child. When Kishuun looked at his friend, he slapped his head, earning a cry of pain from his friend and a wide-eyed brunette. Nursing his bruise, Kuihiro looked at Kishuun and pouted. "Well, since your Dame-Tsuna and you'll just forget this tomorrow like the lessons at school, I guess I can tell you. To tell you the truth even though I'm the boss, only Kaitou has seen the vongola Decimo and he still won't give me any information about him except that he's a brunette ....well that's all now, I'm going to take a nap, Do NOT even think about making noise." Kuihiro ended with a yawn. muttering 'troublesome pilots who said we were gonna land but still have an hour'.

When everything was quiet, the twins quietly went back to their seats, knowing by the fact that their leader would totally flip if they woke him up. Nezuru followed his friend, by closing his eyes and all Kishuun did was smirk at the Decimo. Tsuna's eyes widened before they narrowed and a familiar flicker of orange in his eyes came. Kishuun shivered, trying not to get the Decimo mad. Tsuna then grabbed the other by his collar and dragged him. When he saw his other two guardians with their serious face on he knew that they heard the whole conversations. No one dared to say anything infront of the 'crazy' brunette. Everyones eyes were already fixated on him, he didn't need anymore attention, but this was different. He does not know if this one really is safe or not nor does he know if he really is a part of the Axelia Famiglia.

Murmurs erupted from the crowd and staff.

"W-wait! Young Master!" one of the stewardess shouted, trying to calm the young man. Tsuna raised his hand with the vongola ring and all the stewardess could do was bow and shiver. "I'm sorry, please go now" was all Tsuna could whisper to the lady. The other two guardians smiled at their boss' antics, really he was too good to be in the mafia.

Finally arriving infront of the door with the Vongola insignia on it, Kishuun slapped the Decimo's hand away, the hand simply went towards his pocket.

The guardians and guards stood their ground, prepared to fight.

"WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, I'm just getting my glasses" He said chuckling at their reaction.

"I didn't know you wore glasses!" Yamamoto said with a smile, easing his sword away from the other.

"Oh, I only wear glasses when I study..." He said with a smile but it became a smirk when he looked at the Decimo "...and when I play games"

"Oh" Yamamoto laughed.

When everything was alright, the group quickly went inside and all Tsuna could do was sigh at the sight before him. The girls, as same as before were laughing and talking, while Hibari and Mukuro were fighting outside the training room. " you were here...Kyoko-san..." Kishuun said, earning the stares of everyone in the room. "Kishuun, what are you doing here" Hibari asked, stopping his fight with the other guardian.

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