Chapter 11: Colomba, Quilos, Tereno vs. Vongola, Axelia pt 2

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me: YO! YO! YO!

Tsuna: Yo, Suzu-chan! 

*Mukuro comes in*

M: kufufufufufu, Suzu-san, would you like someone else to do the disclaimer?

me: sure, will you be doing it with Tsuna?

M: kufufufufu, ofcourse

Tsuna: *smiles* uh... well, Suzu-chan does not own -

Mukuro: *Grab Tsuna into a hug* KHR

*Hibari comes in*

H: Why am I here herbivore?

me: You were suppose to give the disclaimer but too late. *point at Mukuro*

H: I'll bite you to death 

M: kufufufu, winner get's Tsunayoshi-kun?




Edited : 9/16/13 @ 9:18 PM


'A battle of boss'' A man in the shadows thought. With a smirk, he was gone.

Adalfieri smirked when he saw the Decimo running towards him, but was stopped when he smirked. With a blink of an eye the Decimo was gone and was teleported at his back. Tsuna kicked hard, but was deflected when the Colomba boss leaned back. Unfortunately for the man, his cheek was grazed and a thin line of blood came oozing out. Tsuna made a stance to fight, but his hyper intuition distracted him. Something wasn't right..

He looked around for something or rather, someone. He looked behind him... It was from there! Unfortunately he was too busy. "Oya, Decimo, don't turn your back on your enemy" Adalfieri shouted as he jumped towards Tsuna with a sword on his hand. He attacked Tsuna furiously, luckily Tsuna manage to deflect it using the scythe. Without a word, Adalfieri took his scythe out and smirked. Suddenly the scythe became heavier on his hands. 'Heavy' Tsuna thought, gripping the scythe tighter. 

'Maybe I can lessen the weight by puting flames on it' Tsuna thought as his hyper intuition kicked in. Tsuna looked at the boss in front of him. Eyes full of lust for blood and something else. And Tsuna wished it didn't have to do anything with him...Tsuna put his flames into the scythe and boy, did it become lighter. Tsuna swung it several times to adjust himself with the scythe. When he got a hang of it, he smirked. Reborn's weapon training finally kicked in.

Colomba's boss then saw this and laughed. "..hahahaha, Decimo, now why are you smirking? tsk tsk tsk"

Adalfieri ran towards Tsuna and swung his sword from left to right. Tsuna blocked this and manage to get an opening. He swung his scythe but was dodged and disarmed.

The scythe went flying...

and flying..

and flying..

and flying...

and (finally) fell on the ground beside Kuihiro who was fighting an older man with some small knives.  Kuihiro was distracted and got punched, scratched and wounded when Tsuna saw him.  "Kuihiro!" Tsuna shouted when he saw his former bully fall to the ground.

"Don't turn back Decimo" Adalfieri said as he jumped to the Vongola Boss and charged. Tsuna lit his flames on his hands and flew to dodge the attack.

Kuihiro who fell on the ground got the scythe without hesitation and ran towards the other people. 'It's lighter...' Kuihiro thought as he inflicted some wounds on the  others.

~back to TSUNA~

Tsuna flew and saw the Colomba boss raging with anger and amusement. 'What is wrong with that guy?' He thought and saw a glint of sunlight from one side of the Colosseum.

He looked to where it came from and saw a man, but the only thing you can see from him was his right hand. A ring, a golden one with the symbol of a dove.

Tsuna then realized.....he was on a battle field and he MUST concentrate. He looked down and thought  ' I should really end this right now'

Tsuna opened his arms wide, one facing his back and his front. He saw his guardians and the Axelia Famiglia still fighting. 

Well, since he went back to the future, he manage to control his soft and hard flames, he can even combine both so, he can hurt his enemies while his comrades wouldn't be harmed. (AN: DOESN'T REALLY HAPPEN IN SHIMON ARC AND SO ON. SO THIS IS JUST PART OF THIS STORY.)

Colomba's boss then saw through the opening and jumped high from the ground and tried to reach Decimo but was too late.

"Operation X" Tsuna muttered

Colomaba's Boss' eyes widened. He knew of this Operation X a.k.a X burner. It was one of the Decimo's most feared attacks. Oh hell, he was gonna get fried.!

"X burner" Tsuna muttered.

As soon as those words were uttered bright orange flames came from his hands. Hard dark orange flames at the front while soft light orange flames behind him, supporting him...

Tsuna flew down and looked at his sourroundings that was either burned or completely fine. His guardians and the Axelia Famiglia looking at him with smiles and smirks. He smiled at them and got his cellphone.

"Hello?....yes...I would like to pick some people at the colesseum. ....ah.hahahahha yes, ofcourse, thank you goodbye"

Tsuna turned to his friends. "Is someone wounded?". The guardians looked at each other and nodded negatively. The axelia famiglia on the other hand, has scratches and some wounds. 

"OKAY! LET ME HEAL YOU GUYS TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei shouted and got his scalpel.

And with that he vanished along with Clone Tsuna.

And what they saw after was a smiling Dame-Tsuna


me: yo! minnna! gomene for the long wait and for the short chappy. I really don't have anything to write right now. oh! yeah! please check my other KHR FANFIC DARE TO DARE!

Tsuna: what's it about?

me: you


me: and hibari

Hibari: *smirk*

me: mostly it's about all of you

Tsuna: *sigh in relief*

Hibari: *glare*


Hibari: *run's toward me*

me: fudge!

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