CHAPTER 17: Axelia Settimo pt 2

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Tsuna: hm? Suzu-san? W-where are you?

me: T-Tsuna!!!!! *cry*

Tsuna: Hiiiee! Suzu-chan! I'm sooo angry at yo-

me: *cries louder*

Tsuna: *sigh* what is it this time?

me: I haven't updated this tory for like.. *counts with finger* months!

Tsuna: Yes, so, before anything I would like to say "SUZU-CHAN DOES NOT OWN ANYTHING NOR DOES SHE GET ANY MONEY FROM THIS FIC"

me: *cry* wah!!!!!!!!!

Tsuna: *tries to comfort* Suzu-san?



me: *stops acting* boring much!



EDITED @: 4/22/2014 @ 11:32 PM :)



Tsunayoshi stared at the person infront of him and nodded. Finally! The meeting is over! The Decimo can finally stretch his legs. With a purr he gave a small smile. "Don't sit back and relax Dame-Tsuna." A voice said from behind. Everyone turned but only saw a blur of black and then..


Tsuna rubbed his-now- sore head and turned to the man or you may say, man in a suit and a fedora hat. The said man, then smirked and said to the Decimo;

"Dame-Tsuna. If you have time to relax then you could show the Settimo and -" Reborn then turned to Kuihiro and his famiglia "-the ottavo and his famiglia, ne?". Tsuna was about to reject, but, as Reborn, the greatest hitman, the greatest torturer..oh I mean the greatest..tutor(?), and a very handsome man (A/N: Pfft *gets hit by a malet* OWW!), he's always a mindreader, and he did what other tortu- tutor there is in the world did, was to get his pet to perform some kind of magic trick and make it into a green gun.

At this action, Tsuna and every other guardian (except Mukuro and Hibari!) paled. "! D-dont' get hasty! I-I was just about to do that! I-I was just stretching!" .Every Axelia memeber who were present, sweat dropped at the boss, who first was their Dame classmate, then became a cool boss... then it came to this... the scaredy-waredy-kitty-poo (that just sounded gross..)

Reborn, who got the atmosphere from the other people inside the room, smirked and said. "Well, Settimo-san, would you like to accompany the students and the two boss' in the field trip, in the next few days?" Settimo, then blinked for a few seconds but declined respectfully. "Reborn-san, as much as I respect your offer and I would love to-actually- but I think my son would like to have his own private moments in life. But-" he then turned to the Decimo and smiled gratefully. "I would like to come with you for dinner later Decimo"

Kentaro paled at his fathers' action and shouted "Old Man! Don't you dare! Go home! Shoo! Don't come here for dinner right now. I'm sure mom would love to have you eat  her food for today!" Everyone turned to Kentaro at the sudden outburst, but turned back to the Settimo as they heard the *click* of a phone.

"Dear, it seems your mother is in Japan right now and then I was about to invite Tsunayoshi's father , but it seems he is back at his home as well. Too bad. But-"

"BE QUIET OLD MAN! GO HOME!" Kentaro said

The Settimo faked a tear and said "Oh, why thy dearest son? What Have I done to you? huhuhuhu" Everyone (including Mukuro and Hibari) sweat dropped. But Tsuna who was nice and innocent, smiled happily at the Settimo and Ottavo. "Settimo-san, Ottavo-kun, May I invite you for dinner?" He asked innocently.

Both Kuihiro's turned at the Decimo and then it started yet again~

________-DINING HALL-_____

Every student of Class 2-b and their math teacher gawked at the food infront of them. There were sooo mannnnnyyyyyyyy!!!( Think of all the cuisines you love around the world) After gawking, the Axelia excluding the Settimo and Ottavo came inside the room with formal attires. After the first famiglia, the guardians then came towards the table with their normal annoying antics.

"Maa..maa... Gokudera calm down I'm sure Tsuna is fine!" Yamamoto tried to assure his friend but was too late, the storm just became more furiouse and this caused the whole ,'Bakadera, Extreme, Kufufufufu, maa..maa...., Baseball idiot or lawnhead and the worst of it all.... the...... biting people to death' thing. But as soon as the two wooden oak doors opened from behind, everyone gawked at the scene (mostly some girls and some boys). The Settimo was wearing a very formal attire which made the girls swoon over him, then there was the Ottavo in which only a few swooned over, then there was the Decimo...

...ah~ the Decimo but known to the students as the secretary, with his golden brown hair which defied the law of gravity, his chocolate orbs that were suppose to be cute and innocent turned into narrowed once, which were full of pride and honor. Then, there was his physical build, then his formal attire which can be clearly seen as expensive. Tsuna, who has recently smiled, looked over his classmates and said to them in a very deep voice, in which the others were not expecting from the innocent boy.

"Please, do sit down and eat, our chefs have done all they did for us to have a very healthy and delicious meal. And yet again, the Decimo cannot come because of private affairs." He smiled at the last part. Settimo looked at his son with confusion but just got a 'talk-to-you-later' face. Everyone else though,who were in his trance nodded, while the guardians smirked at their boss' action. Even the two Kuihiro's were nodding there heads, but was stopped when they realized...

This Decimo right here can become one of the greatest boss of the century, just a little more push and he could even rival the Primo's superiority. Settimo smirked to himself. It was good to be an ally of such a powerful and kind man.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Reborn smirked and hid his eyes. 'They are indeed correct Tsuna, all you need is a little more push, and this can help. I promise'


XD Yay! finnish!!! Sorry for the long wait! My first chapter was deleted by the same person..yet again... **sigh

Reborn: Ciassu~! Now, Let's go suzu-san. We'll just leave Dame-Tsuna to do his work, I'm sure your tired.

me: thank yo- wait...did you just cared about me?

Reborn: *smirk* nope. Dame-Tsuna just needs a little more sleep


Reborn: *smirk* yes, yes kjfnsjd was.

me: Hey! why can't we say kjsfnskdjfn's name?

Reborn: hm..maybe because of --

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