Chapter 16: Axelia Settimo pt 1

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me: Yo Minna!-- *dodge*

Hibari: Herbivore! Where is he?

me: I don't have him *dodge* Stop attacking me!

Hibari: Where is he? *attack*

me: Why are you so protective! Do the disclaimer and you will get him. *smirk*

Hibari: Suzu-chan does not own KHR! DONE NOW! WHERE IS HE?

me: nice~ *claps hand* OH! yeah! I have something to say first to the audience, PLEASE READ! This chapter is ...

HIbari: *raise eyebrows* So this will also be just a short chapter?

me: yup! sorry to all!!!! T.T This is just a little something I can give you guys. Thanks too for the comments!!! 

to be continued ~yet again~
EDITED on me Phone- @ 4:07 @ 1/18/14



Tsuna's eyes narrowed as he walked in at the dark room where Reborn was sipping at an expresso. He was fixing his tie when he stopped behind the a dark chair. 

"What do you want Reborn?"

"Dame-Tsuna, did you memorize it?"

"Yes..." the young boss paused for a while and looked at his tutor once again "... I know that's not the reason why I'm here"

The sun arcobaleno smirked and stood up, he went towards his Dame-student and shoved a folder at him. The Decimo looked inside of it and his eyes widened. 'No.... They really did it.....So..they really betrayed us....  ' Tsuna thought as he gripped the piece of paper tighter, crumpling it on his hands.

Tsuna turned his back on Reborn and walked towards the door, he stopped at the door and turned his head to Reborn "I'm going to get ready for the alliance" Tsuna stated and smiled at Reborn. Reborn smiled and gave a kick to Tsuna's head as a response.

So much for the cool start.


In the western part of the mansion, at the garden, a certain brunette sighed. Beside the brunette the Axelia famiglia sat down at the round table, set for them to have tea. The meeting for the afternoon was a small tea party. Kentaro, who was beside Tsuna sighed and looked at his watch. Tsuna who noticed this, smiled at his classmate and looked back at his guardians. His guardians were as noisy as possible, this was their first meeting with their boss, so they were quite excited. He smiled fondly when he was remembered that this was his' guardian's first meeting with another famiglia, when they were in Japan he always did meetings with either the ninth or the ninth's guardians.

You must be wondering as to why they were doing nothing, well the answer is 'Settimo'.

The two families waited for Axelia Settimo, who was running late.They were waiting for thirty minutes now and as they waited Kentaro- who finally snapped- fished his phone out from his hidden pocket and dialed a number. Tsuna looked beside his fellow boss and gave a confused look. Kishuun looked at Tsuna and saw his confused face. He merely sighed and sipped his tea and bit a small cookie. 

ring ring....

ring ring.....

ring ring......

"Pick up old man!" Kuihiro shouted, making everyone (yes, including the guardians) to stop what they were doing and stare at the Axelia boss with confusion. The Axelia boss, on the other hand ignored the stares hi way. FINALLY!



"Hm? it is still eleven in the morning"


"Oh... hehehehe, well I will be there in a few minutes then ho ho ho ho~"

When the Axelia boss put his phone down he sighed and slumped back at his seat. "Sorry guys, the old man's just woke up and won't be here for more than an hour"

"Eh?" Tsuna shouted. Everyone looked at him and saw that he wasn't paying attention to them but he was on the phone with someone.

"Hai.... hehehe, yes sir! okay!..Oh? he's here?.....oh... alright ....thank you! bye!" Tsuna stated while smiling.

"Tsuna, who was that?" Yamamoto asked 

"Oh, just one of the butlers, he said that Settimo is already here"

"EH?" everyone shouted (except for Hibari..ofcourse..). Our young Decimo who had a look of confusion on his face tilted his head to the side and asked was to why they reacted like surprised cats.

"Well...." When Kentaro was about to answer , a man about in his fourties came. Kentaro  stood there with a comical face while the other Axelia members froze and got a face of horror.

Tha man had a long black length hair, with streaks of red, his eyes were emerald green, full of excitement and mischief, yet with the right amount if sunlight it shifted to brown, he had a handsome face but was ruined by a scar on his right eye. His body was fit and his right arm  was full of scars. He wore a button up shirt and a blazer. He had a gun on his left side while a short sword on his left.

Everyone stared at the man while Tsuna smiled at him and gave one hand out "Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo. Nice to meet ya."

The man shook hands with our dear Decimo and smiled back "Kuihiro Alessio,Axelia Settimo and Kenny-chan's father "

Everyone froze and looked at Kenny- chan. Everyone held a chuckle at the nickname, while Kentaro blushed. Kentaro on the other hand suddenly found his tea and snacks interesting. Everyone sweat dropped and Tsuna just said "Ehehehehe, uh.. nice to meet you, please sit down and let us start our meeting?"

Settimo nodded and smiled, he sat down beside Kentaro and started "Decimo, let us start"

Tsuna nodded and  closed his eyes, he raised his Vongola ring and lit it. 

The alliance meeting, has come to a start.


me: Hey guys!!!

Hibari: Where is he?

me: oh! yeah! 

Hibari: hn.. *glare*

me: *claps hand* 

*door pops out*

me: he's there tied and all

Hibari: *walks away*

me: till next time!!!!  1827 FOREVER!!!!

HIbari: hn.

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