Chapter 10: Colomba, Quilos, Tereno VS. Vongola, Axelia pt 1

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*Turns around and open a door*

Tsuna: Suzu-chan!

me: Tsuna! and..... Xanxus.....

X: Che! *Turns around blushing*


*Mukuro and Hibari appears*-

M: kufufufufu, Xanxus-san, please move away from Tsuna

H: Herbivore, get away from that herbivore or I'LL BITE YOU TO DEATH!

me: um.... the disclaimer?

Mukuro, Hibari, Xanxus: Shut up!

Tsuna: *Hides behind me*

me: Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: *smile's happily* Hai! Suzu-chan does not own KHR!

me: Arigatou!, now let's leave them?

Tsuna: *nod*

me: Bye

to be continued....

Edited: 9/16/13 @ 9:07 PM


"Everyone, Ready!" Tsuna shouted this time with resolution and power.

As soon as these words came out of Tsuna's mouth,  all of his guardians and the Axelia famiglia readied themselves for a fight that could save their classmates. The people from every family charged as the decimo opened his eyes, making the enemy shiver with glee. Decimo and Kuihiro looked at each other , nodding their heads when the two came to an understanding. 'We have to work together' the two thought.

When the two ran and defeated the coming enemies, Kuihiro suddenly jerked to a stop, making Tsuna stop beside his classmate to defend the confused boss. It looked like he was having a flashback. ( Which Tsuna knew perfectly weel)

Kuihiro took a deep breath and finally took outba short blade from his back pants.

~flash back~

Having special  treatement was freakin' GREAT! Especially when your host was the Vongola! Well, that was what Kuihiro Kentaron thought to himself as he plopped down on the soft velved sofa. He was thinking of a lot of things. For one was that he was having a really big hunch about Sawada Tsunayoshi being the Decimo...but it didn't seem to connect with the fact that he already saw the Decimo together with Sawada. And there was the fact of FLAMES COMING OUT OF THE VONGOLA GUARDIANS BODY! Alas, his train of thoughts came to a halt when he  heard a small cough behind him. There, he found his friends and guards, standing with a smirk on along with his short blades on hand.

"What?" Kuihiro asked annoyance clearly not hidden.

"Well, we got you new short blades adjusted for a cool new doohiky!-" Kei announced with a grin.

"-made a new weapon for you that I'm sure your going to love. Not a doohiky. " Rei said, sigjing at his twins  antics.

Kuihiro eyed them with suspicion, but was vanished when Nezuru stepped forward and gave the two short blades, that the Axelia boss now owned. "Well, there's nothing new" Kuihiro said aloud, eyeing the weapons blankly.

Kushiin smirked and said "Well, you have to press a certain button and need  Sky flames "

"eh? what's sky flames?" everyone asked at the same time. Kushiin sighed and rubbed his temple. Yes, he has officially confirmed his famiglia was kinda stupid. "Sky flames, it represents harmony through out his/ her subordiantes. As what Gokudera-san has said to me, these flames are very rare and powerful. Mostly boss' have these flames but in our family , we have no one who has sky flames. "

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