Chapter 7: Surprise attack pt 1

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me: Ciaossu!~

Tsuna: Hiiiiieee!! Where's reborn!? *panic*

me: behind you

Tsuna: e-*get's kick on the cheeks*

Reborn: Dame-Tsuna. Don't let your guard down


Reborn: ne, Suzu-san, why have you not been publishing? *smirks*

me:uh...*gulp* I was busy....

Reborn: hm....

me: now! please do the Disclaimer!

Tsuna: let's go!

me and Tsuna: Suzu-chan doesn not own KHR!

*gets shot by a bullet*


EDITED: 3/22/13 11:20 PM


"Welcome to Vongola Mansion...I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi as you all know and I'm...Vongola Decimo's...Assistant"  Tsuna started with a smile. 

Gokudera chocked on air.

Ryohei and Yamamoto blinked at their boss.

Lambo ignored everything.

Hibari sighed.

Chrome looked confused.

Mukuro kufufufu'ed and somehow got hit by a shoe.

Reborn smirked


Eevryone else stared wide eyed, sure they were hoping that Dame-Tsuna would just be servant but an assistant? That's still high..right?.

"Eto~~ I really don't have a speech prepared but I'm sure I'll make it out." He continued with a smile, this eased the situation and now some were laughing and snickering.

"First of all I have not introduced the guardians right?"

Tsukuyama raised her hand. Tsuna nodded and she got up."Eto~ Tsuna-san" Tsuna nodded and with a smile he eased the tension around them.  "Um... it seems you know who I am already so I'll just be introducing my I mean Decimo's guardians"

"Um... Dame-Tsuna, what's a guardian?" A boy with long black hair and delinquent eyes said, Kiro.

Tsuna was about to speak but Tsukuyama beat him.

"When the famiglia is under attack there are six renown people in the vongola that helps them. The guardians, they are the most powerful people, excluding the boss, that helps and protect the name of the famiglia. They are the chosen people who are to protect the name and the status of Vongola Famiglia. Though I only read it through a book...." She blushed when she saw her classmates stare at her. "Er...famiglia as in...mafia?" Kiro asked again this time scared of knowing the truth.

"Eto~ Tsukuyama-san-" Tsuna tried to cut in but Tsukuyama didn't stop even for breaths.

"Also it they are distinguished by the six types of weather, each representing one man. " 

"Um.. Tsukuyama-san?" Tsuna asked her

Tsukuyama blushed and sat down. "Sorry" She said. Tsuna smiled and said "These guardians will be protecting you, since you already know about the mafia and all, you can be endangered here in Italy"The students shivered and stared at the stage, expecting muscular people with scars and black suits.

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