Chapter 17: -Kazuya- What Do You Mean There's No Avengers?

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As leaves blew away outside of the ticket booth, the winter wind was getting more chilly. Inside, it was cozy. An old, portable heater was warming Charlotte and I up. We were cleaning in preparation for the biggest event of the year for the theater. Her part timer had unexpectedly quit, so she was hard up for help. I was more than happy to. I'd delivered some cookies to her and she'd told me about her difficult spot. I knew Yash was coming in to help Nikki soon, so it was alright for me to stay. 

It gave us time to talk, and what I heard... It was worse than I thought.

"I couldn't pay him," she told me in a half whisper as she went for more cleaning solution in the bucket we were sharing between us. She swiped her rag across the small counter in here. "He quit, because I didn't give him his last two paychecks. What was I supposed to do, Kazu? Buy more supplies for the concession stand or pay him? I had to choose an evil among two evils. If I didn't have food for concessions, I'd have to close my doors." She sighed. "If Zombie Walk wasn't coming up soon, I'd probably have to close up anyway."

Zombie Walk was an annual event held by Salem's Sister. Down their street, for twelve precious hours per year, just about every goth in Tokyo would descend upon the neighborhood dressed in their finest zombie attire and have fun, marching together. It always got everyone a lot of good business. Due to the hotel's pending opening, I admit it had crept up on me this year. But, for someone like Charlotte and what she always liked to show at her theater, it was a big deal. It meant a packed house at every showing for a while. I could see where she was coming from. 

"If he'd just held on for another week, I'd have been able to pay him. But, he was so rude to me. I get what he meant. I'd be pretty pissed, too, if I didn't get my paycheck for a month. But, he needed to see where I'm coming from, too." She sighed even deeper as I listened. I'd paused in my work, giving her my fullest attention. This was devastating news. Not her, too... She went on. "Even if I could afford to show more current movies, I still can't compete with big cineplexes. I can't charge what they can. I don't have fancy recliners that warm your butt. I don't have unlimited soda, or a restaurant inside. I have one screen. It isn't a lot of choice, anyway." 

She sounded so defeated. It wasn't the Charlotte I was used to. 

I admit, I hadn't been able to come see a movie here for a while. I always thought about it, but I just didn't have time. French Cup took up almost all of my time, and there were even long stretches where I wouldn't get any sleep. I couldn't imagine going to see a movie most days, taking two or more hours out of my day that was already packed. It made me think about other people, who might not be able to see a movie, too. It all made a lot of sense to me why she'd be struggling, and it was written all over her face that she definitely knew, too.

"It used to be that I'd get so much business. People from the old hotel would come all the time. They were excited to see what I'd bring them, showing them stuff they'd never seen before. They were open to that. But, nobody wants to see an old movie that they've never heard of before. They don't want to see a new movie made by someone local as an art piece, either. I hate to say it, but I'm losing my excitement, too. I was so excited to see people's reactions. Making themed weeks, everything. But, now no one will come. I just don't know what to do anymore. And with my part timer quitting... What am I going to do, Kazu?" 

I was speechless. Her telling me this. She was telling me she was losing her fire for her passion, all because of other people. No one was appreciating her, so what was she saying?

She shook her head, staring into space outside of the window. "I'm thinking about going home. I think I'm going to close my doors after this year's Zombie Walk."

My sponge fell down onto the floor. 

"Nooo," I gasped. I went to go to her, attempting to take a step, but something stopped me inside. A dreaded knowing. 

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