Moving In Togther

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Jay and I are sat at a table at Mollys with Will, Natalie, Antonio and Erin
"Have you found a place yet YN?" Nat asks me. I shake my head
"No. They're either to expensive to in a rough area"
"I've told you to move in with me, your basically over every night anyway and half your closet is at mine" Jay says shrugging
"And I told you I don't want to ruin your bachelor pad" I tell Jay crossing my arms
"And I told you you wouldn't be. I'm not a bachelor anymore"
"Oh my god you two argue like a married couple" Erin chuckles. I roll my eyes at my friend
"Well at least move in until you find a new place. You need to be out of your apartment by the end of the month"
"I'll think about it" I drink the rest of my drink "I'm gonna grab another one. Anyone else want one?" I ask
"No I'm good" Jay shakes his head
"I'll come with you" Natalie gets up and we walk over to the bar
"Hey Otis another two please" I ask
"Ok so what's the reason you won't move in with Jay?"
"It's to early in the relationship isn't it? We've only been together for..."
"7 months. I think both know that your both in this for the long haul. Now what's the real reason?"
"I suppose I'm just scared that moving in will ruin what we have. My last relationship was going well then we moved in and then the arguing happened and our relationship broke down"
"Have you spoken to Jay about this?" I shake my head in response as Otis gives us our drinks "then you need to talk to Jay"

Jay and I head back to his place after a few drinks. When we arrive Jay gets changed into some sweat pants and I put on one of his shirts to go to bed in
"Jay can we talk?"
"Oh no that's never good" I shake my head chuckling
"No it's nothing like that. It's about moving in"
"Ok?" Jay and I both sit up in bed
"Natalie asked me earlier why I won't move in with you and you could say she knocked some sense into me" I take a deep breath "ok, a year before you joined us in intelligence I was in a relationship with this guy. We had been dating a year when we decided to move in together. As soon as we did our relationship broke down and we split up only two months later. I love you Jay and I don't want that to happen to us. I guess I'm just scared"
"Hey I get that. Thank you for telling me. If your not ready to to move in together I'm not going to force you, but I would really like to move I together one day. I can see me spending the rest of my life with you, having a family with you. Your it for me, I love you too"
"Thank you for hearing me out"
"Sleep on it. I'm lease for this place is up in 5 months. Move in here with me. After those 5 months we can find a place together or live separate for a little longer. It's up to you"
"Thank you" I give Jay a hug and kiss on the cheek before we snuggle down and sleep.

5 months later

"The place is looking good" Will says coming into mine and Jays new house. He hands me a bottle of wine
"Thanks Will" I lead him into the living room where our other friends are. Will gives Jay and hug as I walk into the kitchen to place the wine in the fridge
"So when are you going to thank me?" I turn around and see Natalie smiling at me. I smile back and give her a hug
"Thank you Nat, for everything"
"Your very welcome. How do you feel?"
"I'm good. I realised that I never actually loved my ex, which I guess is why we split up. He must have known we weren't right for each other. I love Jay more than I thought would be possible. And I know he loves me"
"Im happy for you both"
"Come on, let's join the others"

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