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Time skip (after two weeks)
In these days me and Jungkook has became too close than before. He became my best friend from friend and not to mention i started liking him. I mean why not he is handsome,cute,caring, mature and a little cold but I don't care about that because he is so sweet with me.

"Yahh!!you monkey donkey wake up otherwise we are gonna be late for college."i said as I started shaking him, I'm literally waking him up from 20 minutes. But look at him he isn't even moving.

"Aish!!carrot come here. Be my pillow for sometime. I somewhere missed it."he said as he pulled me and i landed on his hard chest.

I blushed hard hearing his words but soon got up from his chest realising what's going on.

"Yahh!!if you didn't wake up now then i am going college alone"i said as I made a angry pout.

"Okayy...carrot i am up"he said chuckling at my cute angry pout.

Time skip (at college) Sorry your author is a bit lazy 🦥

"Agh!! I hate maths" Hyunjae said as she leaned her head towards the chair.

"Yeah me too"i said doing the same as her.

[Btw Hyunjae is Y/N's second best friend. They are friends from class 2. Hyunjae is like Y/N's elder sister so she call her unnie. She was absent for 1 week cause of her health issues and now she is back. Let's continue the story]

"Hey..Y/N let's bunk this class"jungkook said as he got up from his seat.

Y/N,Hyunjae and Jennie "What!!"

"Are you serious?"Jennie said confirming that what she heard was right or not.

"Yeah"he said

"But why did you only asked Y/N to bunk this class?"Hyunjae said raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah why only Y/N?"Jennie said adding

"Because I want Y/N to take somewhere"he said shrugging

Hyunjae and Jennie "Oooooo!!!!"

I blushed hearing them and looked down.

"Okay.. okay.. go.. go.. you guys maybe get late"Jennie said pushing me and Jungkook out of the class.

I sighed an turned towards jungkook.

"Let's go?"he said

"Yeah but where?"i said trying to find out

"You will get to know it soon"he said and smiled at me

I gave him a confused look.

"Don't make face now let's gooo"he said as dragged me somewhere.

Time skip....

Time skip

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"Wow!! Beautiful" i said as I was lost in the beauty of nature

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"Wow!! Beautiful" i said as I was lost in the beauty of nature.

"Did you like it?" he asked

I nodded and said "Yeah! I love it"

"Good to know that"he said and smiled

"Btw which place is this? I never saw this place"i asked

"This is the place behind Han river. I used to come here when I was young. It's so peaceful and calmly place"he said sweetly smilling at me.
[Just imagine because i don't know this place either. Hehehe 😁😅]

"Yeah!" I said as I smiled back at him.

"Let's sit there"he said and dragged me to the bench and made me sit on it.

"Wanna listen something?"he asked as he pulled out his earphone.

I nodded.

He put the one side of the earphone in my ear and the other one in his. Then he played a very calming and satisfying music.
(And the day went by us talking, siting and giggling together)

I am falling for you harder and harder. Should I tell you about my feelings? But I am afraid what if I lose you?what if you won't love me back?

With this thought in my mind i slowly drifted to sleep.

To be continued........

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