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I was crying silently until I felt someone sitting beside me but i didn't give much attention towards it. Until he spoke.

"Umm..hey i am Kim Taehyung." He said but i stayed silent.

But i guess i heard this name before.

"Are you Y/N?" He asked and i looked up at him.

I wiped my tears and asked.

"Y-yeah. H-how do you k-know me?" I asked

"Uhh!! Actually few days ago you came to my office." He said as i looked at him confused.

"You actually went there with your calligraphy cards. But unfortunately I wasn't at office so I ain't able to met you." He said

"Ohh!! Yeah i remember. So how are you here?" I asked

"Yeah i am here because I like your cards. And i want to offer you job." He said and a rage of happiness grow inside me but faded as i confusely looked at him.

"But h-how can you? Who are you?" I asked

"You didn't recognise me?" He asked as i shake my head in no. He chuckled

"I am CEO of XXXX Books company." He said

As soon as he said that i widened my eyes and quickly stand up bowing at him.

"I a-am so sorry. I didn't recognise you." I said bowing exactly 90° to him.

"It's okay. It's happen sometimes. And moreover that i am not any god or what. I am also a human. You don't have to be sorry to me." He said as he also stand up and smile widely.

I lost myself for sometime in his boxy smile. He look so cute when he smile. But soon came back when he said.

"Umm.. you can come to my office from tomorrow onwards." He said

"Yeah. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. You can't even imagine how happy I am right now." I said with a beautiful smile on my face. After so many days I smiled for real.

"I'm glad to know that I could ease your suffering a little." He said with a smile

"Huh?" I asked looking confused but soon realised that I was crying a while ago infront of him. I felt so embarrassed that moment.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. See, not everyone is happy in their life, but if life is giving a chance to be happy, then there is nothing wrong in being happy." He said with a assuring smile on his face.

I felt so relieved when he said that. I wanted to hug him right there but will he be okay with that?

"Thanks for giving me advice. I really needed it." I said with a little smile on my face.

"Umm.. i-if you don't mind c-can i h-hug you?" I asked not being sure about that.

He nodded and i slowly hugged him. And to be honest i felt like the time stopped that moment. I felt like all my stress went away. We stayed like that for a moment.

To be continued........

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