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Time skips...(8 months later)

8 months passed, till now everything is going well. Yeah at first as i said there will be some difficulties. My parents and friends weren't ready to accept our relationship but slowly when they realised that I'm happy with Jungkook and he's also improving, they finally accepted it.

I know that they were just worried about me but i assured them that I'm happy. Jungkook has been taking a lot of care of me. When he said that he'll love me more than anything, he didn't lied.

I'm also overcoming the past. It was also difficult for me to forget everything and start from beginning but with the help and love of Jungkook, I'm doing well. I didn't forgot everything as my wounds were so deep than i can ever thought but I'm trying to and I'm sure I'll do it.

We started working on our dreams. I have a not so big but my own calligraphic class where i teach calligraphy to some students. It's not fully build, the construction is going on but still i started class to earn money.

Jungkook work as a photographer in some companies and he's also going to build his own gallery. He's saving money for it. I told him to borrow some money from me but he refused.

Anyways, I'm soo happy today because today Taehyung is coming to seoul. Not alone but with the love of his life. I'm happy that finally he found someone who loves him truly. I just wish that now everything will happen good in his life.

"Baby! Are you ready?" I smiled as i turned around and my eyes got blessed with the sight infront of me.

Even though he wore a simple casual jeans and shirt but still he looks handsome.

"Yeah! I'm ready." I said as he came towards me and pulled me closer by grabbing my waist.

"Beautiful as always!" He said while leaning in to kiss me but i kept my hand on his lips.

"My lipstick will be ruined!" I said as he whined and backed off.

"You can wear it again." He said while pouting.

I chuckled at him and pecked his lips quickly.

"Let's go now?" I said

"Yaah!! This one won't be counted! This is unfair~" he whined more while sitting on the bed.

"Aish! Fine!" I said while rolling my eyes.

I went towards him and pecked him again but he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me. He made me sit on his lap. I pulled back after sometime while breathing heavily.

"You cheater! Now i have to wear the lipstick again!" I said as i got up and quickly put the lipstick on my lips. He laughed but quickly shut his mouth when i glared at him.

"Let's go otherwise we'll be late." I said and quickly walked out of the house.


"You're so excited to meet him, aren't you?" He said as i nodded my head vigorously.

"Aish! When will he come?" I said eagerly while taking glance at my watch time to time.

"He must be coming so-" i cut him off by saying.

"There he is!" I said excitedly and ran towards him.

He flinched hard when I jumped on his back.

"I missed you!" I said while he placed his hand on my thighs to support me.

"I missed you too!" He said and i got off his back.

The tears made their way out of my eyes. I tried to not cry infront of him but i couldn't help. He hugged me softly and i could feel my shoulder getting wet. He's crying too. I smiled knowing that he didn't tried to suppress his emotions this time.

I broke the hug and then i noticed a girl standing there while smiling at us. I smiled back at her. She's so beautiful. Long hair reaching till her waist, blue hazel eyes, long eyelashes, sharp jawline and a beautiful angelic smile. A perfect one for Taehyung.

She's the one whom he deserves. Finally he found his soulmate. I just wish that they stay together forever.

"Hello! I'm Sophia. Nice to meet you." She said while smiling as i snapped out of my thought.

An angelic voice too.

"Hello! I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too." I said as i smiled back.

"Let's go. You guys must me tired." Jungkook said as we all nodded and started walking towards the exit.

I smiled as i saw them holding each other's hand. I turned to my left as i felt someone nudging my shoulder. Jungkook raised his eyebrows as i shook my head and interwined our hands together. He smiled and tightened his grib on my hand.


Taehyung POV
I'm happy now. I smiled as Sophia interwined our hands together. I'm now holding the hands of someone not whom i love, someone who loves me heartedly.

It's not like I don't love her, it's just that I don't love her as much as I used to love Y/N. Because it's hard to love someone when you got betrayed twice. Once fate betrayed me and once myself.

I know It'll take me some time to heal but as now she is with me. I'm sure It'll be healed soon. When i pushed everyone away from me she was there standing still not moving either way.

She's the one who taught me the meaning of love again. And because of her i was able to move on and she became the person whom I love and will only. She is the reason why I smile everyday and I'm very happy to know that I'm the reason for her to smile everyday as well.

I'm very grateful to God that finally he send someone who understands me and know me more than myself. She decided to stay with me even after knowing about my past. She decided to heal my wound instead of leaving me alone.

She decided to stay by my side forever and I'm glad to know that i have someone like her in my life. This time i wasn't nervous to meet Y/N because of her. I know there's still a place somewhere in my heart for Y/N but that's only for me to remind that she was the person whom i loved once whole heartedly.

She was the one who pulled me out of the guilt wall which i built around myself after that accident. I was just sobbing in a dark room but she came towards me like a light and brought me out of it.

I don't love her anymore but I am not able to love anyone else like that. I love Sophia there's no doubt in that but not the way she wanted. Why? Because I don't have that much love left that i could give to someone but still I'm ready to accept her and give her the love which is still left in my heart.

And I'm happy that she understood me and is ready to give me some time to heal. She's ready to wait for me till her last breath. And I'm ready to heal myself, to move on and start a new chapter of my journey with my life partner Sophia.

And about Y/N, well we were never meant for each other. The universe was meant for us to let go and start something new with another person. But the best thing i ever learnt from her is that i can survive even after her.

Her fate was already bonded with her love of the life, Jungkook. And mine was bonded with my love and life partner, Sophia. I'm happy we found our other half. Heart is made to break only but we have found such a person who will take care of it.

I think the god made us suffer this much only for us to correct our mistake and start a new journey without any pain and guilt. And now if we have gotten this much in the end we have to save it and take care of it heartedly.

When someone said that 'All is well then ends well', he didn't said something wrong.

'Even after loosing, I'm still the winner.'

___________________THE END______________________

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