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I decided to go gwangju with train. It was almost evening. After something around 3 hrs, i reached gwangju.

I reached my hotel and checked in. I went inside my room and settled my luggage there.

I grabbed my phone and called my mom.

"Hello?" A smile formed on my face as soon as I heard her voice.

"Hello mom!" I said

"Y/N! How are you dear? How is your work going?" She asked

"Good! Btw mom i called you to inform something." I said as she hummed in response.

"Go on!" She said

"A-Actually mom I'm not in busan. I came to gwangju." I said

"So what's wrong in this?" She asked

"Umm..I came gwangju alone....!" I said while biting my lower lip.

"Why?" She asked

"U-uh! I b-broke up with Taehyung." I said as i could feel her mood changing.

"Why? Why you did that? Are you mad?" She asked furiously.

"M-mom I'll tell you later but for now know that i won't be coming home for s-sometime." I said as i controlled my tears.

"F-for how long?" She asked

"I don't know. I just need a break for sometime. So please take care of yourself and dad." I said

"H-hmm.." she hummed but i could tell that she would break down after ending the call.

"Bye mom l-love you and d-don't worry I'll t-take care of m-myself." I said while trying my best to not cry.

"L-love you t-too." She said

I know you aren't saying but you're crying inside.

I stared at the phone for some moments not wanting to cut the call.

But she cut it off and that's when i broke down.

I sat down on floor while crying hard.

I'm sorry mom dad for again hurting you. I'm not even a good daughter. How worse of me?

I cried hard while automatically all the moments started coming in my mind which we spent together.

I opened my phone's screen and caressed the wallpaper which flashed the picture of me,dad and mom together.

"I'm gonna miss you mom dad. Soo..much!" I said while sniffing.

"You too Taehyung and Jungkook." I said while a wave of guilt rushed inside me as i imagined their face when they got to know about my leave.

I'm sorry....

Time skips (the next day)
I checked myself in mirror before grabbing my purse and went outside the room before locking it.

I grabbed a taxi and told him to go to Mudeungsan National Park. I reached there and started doing my work.

I was walking completely lost in writing something on my notepad that i didn't even realised the stone infront of me.

My foot hit the stone and i fell down on my butt.

"Ouch!" I groaned as i closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw a hand infront of me. I looked up and saw Jimin standing there. My eyes sparkled seeing him after so long. He is like a elder brother to me.

We met each other when i used to work in cafe. He was my regular customer and Hyunjae unnie and him met there too and end up falling for each other.

He is so kind. We never kept anything secret from each other.

"Hey!" He said while smiling

"Hi! How are you here?" I said as i grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"Just due to some work." He said

"Btw let's go to somewhere afterall we are meeting after so long." He said as i nodded


I came back to hotel tiredly. I felt so happy after spending some time with him. I must say unnie is really lucky to have him in her life.

I told him everything that why i came here and all. He didn't said anything expect to console me as i started to cry there while telling him.

I went inside the bathroom and came back after freshing up. I opened my phone's screen and stared at jungkook's picture.

Good night Jungkook. I hope you sleep well wherever you are.

With that i went in my dreamland.

Time skips(few days later)

Author POV
Y/N completed all the places in gwangju so she booked the ticket for daejeon as she only have 10 months left to complete this book. That's why she have to be quick.

She checked out of the hotel and grabbed the taxi before heading to station.

The boy who never drank in his whole life was laying lifelessly on the floor badly drunk. Jungkook had made it his routine like work in morning and get wasted in night.

His actions tell that how much he was missing Y/N cuz' first he had chance to just see her from afar but now he don't even know where is she.

Taehyung's condition was also the same. But the difference was he wasn't even going out of his house. He has locked himself in for now almost a week. Hosoek tried so many times for him to open the door but he wasn't ready to listen to anyone.

He cry all day causing his face to lost it's glow. After a long time he found himself alive but only get died again.

In short we can say that three chubby, pretty and joyful people were all cold, died and wasted. They were only alive but not living.

To be continued......

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