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The next day...
I woke up with the sound of my alarm. I groaned and stopped the alarm. I came out of the bed and did my morning routine. After doing that I dressed myself and went downstairs.

"Good morning mom,dad." I said with a smile and sat on the couch.

Mom and dad said "Morning"

"Y/N" mom said

"Hmm.." i hummed in response as i was busy in my phone.

"Y/N!! You should think about what I said to you." She said

I looked at her confused.

"About what mom?" I asked looking at her.

"About your marriage dear." She said

" not now!!" I groaned in annoyance and again turned my attention to my phone.

"Then when? You are 27 now. Whenever I start this topic you always avoid it by saying not now." She said raising her voice a little bit.

"Momm.. i am not ready yet." I said as i looked at her.

"Will you pls kindly tell me till when you'll be ready?" She said raising her eyebrow.

"Umm..maybe never" i said as i got up.

"Wha-" she said as I cutted her off.

"Bye mom, dad. I gotta go now." I said and start wearing my shoes.

"Y/N?" Dad said.

"Yeah dad" i said still wearing my shoes.

"Are you not ready because of jungkook?" He said as i froze at my place.

I looked up at him.

"No.. dad. It's not like that." I said

"Please Y/N!! We are your parents. No one knows you better than us. So please atleast don't lie to us." Mom said.

"M-mom.. d-dad. I am getting late. Byee. See you." I said and quickly ran out of the house, closing the door behind me.

"I wish we could do something for her." She said in a worried tone.

"Yeah!! I don't know why she is still stuck on that boy. I swear one day i will beat the sh-t out of him for disturbing my daughter." He said gritting his teeth.

"Yeah me too.. but for now let it be on her. She needs some more time." She said and he nodded.

Sorry for the short chapter guyss.. Actually I wrote it at 1 a.m. in night. So I am feeling sleepy now 😴. Byee have great night 🌃🌃. See you in next chapter.

To be continued.......

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