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Time skip...(evening)
So, finally we are done for today. I am so f-ucking tired. I don't know why but I really feel good spending time with Y/N even though she was really cold towards me today but still maybe because she is my friend. Yeah! That would be the reason what else can be that. I shrugged my thoughts and started following Y/N who is walking continuously without even giving a sh-t about my presence. I sighed and ran behind her to match our pace. Once i did! I started walking beside her.

"So.. Y/N did you enjoyed today?" I asked while she just hummed in response.

"Umm..i was thinking that we should go Gyeongbokgung Palace. What you think?" I asked but again she just hummed. And i get really disappointed with that.

"Y/N words!" I demanded and i could feel her looking at me confusely but soon looked back at front.

"Hmm...i am okay with it." She said in a cold tone.

I wonder how can a cheerful girl changed into a cold ice in just one night? I thought

"Y/N let's go eat something! I am really hungry!" I said in a little excited tone while pointing towards a restaurant but my excitement faded after hearing to her.

"You go eat! I am not hungry!" She said coldly

"Please Y/N! Pleasee~" i said in a baby voice while showing her puppy eyes to melt her heart and it did.

"Bu-...(sigh) fine!!" She said in defeat as she can't win from my cute irresistible puppy eyes.

Just watch Y/N how i will get back your old version. I thought and smiled looking at her from behind as she is already going towards the restaurant.

We sat there on one of the table. Soon a waiter came and asked for our order.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs!" The waiter said politely.

Before i say anything Y/N spoke.

"Actually we are not couple. We are JUST friends!" She said intentionally speaking the word 'just' looking towards me.

"Oh! Sorry.. i mistook you both as couple because you both look too good together and also your age looked like that. That's why." He said while smiling awkwardly.

I don't know why but my cheeks heat up at his statement. I quickly looked outside the window and tried to act cool.

"Btw mam and sir what would you like to have?" He asked

"1 chocolate pastry and 1 banana milk for me and for her 1 cheesec-" i was ordering but Y/N cutted me off.

"I don't like cheesecake!" She said coldly

I looked at her confused.

"But that was your favourite till yesterday!" I said looking at her confusely.

"Yeah! That WAS my favourite not IS!" She said while looking at me with no expression on her face.

"So.. order what you want to eat!" I said in a low tone but enough for her to hear.

I know this is all because of yesterday but what should I do!!

"Just black coffee!" She said to waiter and he went away while i looked at her shocked.

What the fu-k!! The thing she hated the most is her favourite now and the thing which was her favourite she don't like it now!! I mean how she changed this much in just one night! I thought while still looking at her.

"But Y/N you hated black coffee the most!" I said

"So what? Black coffee is my favourite now" she simply replied.

"Just in one night?" I asked

"Why are you shocked? Millions of people change in one night but here only my choices get changed!" She said

"Correction! Not only your choices but your behaviour too" i said and she quickly looked away.

"Look you still avoided me!! I can't understand why are you behaving like this towards me?" I said

"Don't act like you don't know anything!!" She said as i looked at her confused.

"Is it because of yesterday? If it is then i am really sorry!! I just got irritated and hurt when you didn't told the CEO that we know each other!" I said as i looked down at my lap cuz' of regret.

To be continued......

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