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I woke up while groaning as my head was aching like hell. I grabbed my head and sit up straight with my eyes closed tightly. Then i noticed that I was in my room as the soft mattress beneath me sunk.

I opened my eyes and the sunlight directly fell on my face. I squinted my eyes.

How did i end up here? As far as I remember, last night I was on the Han river. I drank and slept there then what happened next. I can't remember anything. Argh!!

I furiously ruffled my hair and laid down again. I stared at the ceiling.

Is it possible that Jungkook bought me here?

I turned my head towards the night stand as my phone buzzed and a notification popped on it. I took it and saw that the message was from Taehyung.

He messaged me? Why though?

I opened the chat and read.

-'Hey Y/N. How are you? If you don't mind can we meet today? Please! It's urgent and i really want to meet you. But if you aren't free then it's okay.'  
10:30 a.m

"Aish! This guy. Now what am I supposed to do? I can't say no to him. Argh! Why not? I'll say no. I promised myself that i won't let anyone come closer to me." I said to myself and was about to type but again stopped.

"But...what if it's really urgent? What if something happened that's why he's calling me?" I said and sighed heavily.

-'Yeah we can meet.'                                        10:32 a.m

-'Okay thanks. You get ready I'll pick you up by 11 a.m.'                                                                    10:32 a.m

-'No, just send me the location. I'll come by myself.'
                                                                             10:33 a.m

-'Oh okay. Come to XXX cafe by 11 a.m.'
                                                                             10:34 a.m

-'Bye. See you then.'.                                       10:34 a.m

-'Bye. See you too.'.                                           10:34 a.m

I closed the screen and kept my phone aside. I sighed heavily and decided to get ready since i don't have much time.


I lastly checked myself in mirror and made my way outside the house. I walked towards the address after making sure that to lock my house correctly. The cafe wasn't that far so i decided to walk.

I reached there and looked around to see if Taehyung came or not. Soon i spotted him sitting on a chair at the corner. I made my way towards him.

"Oh you came? Hi." He said as he smiled a little.

"Hi" I said as i sat on the chair infront of him.

"How are y-" i cut him off.

"What's the thing you wanted to talk about?" I asked and his smile quickly faded.

I know it's rude but I can't stay here longer. I'm already drowning in guilt from the sweetness of his voice. How can he manage to speak to me this softly afterall that happened? Is he really a human? Please he's too sweet and innocent for this world especially me.

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