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"Okay bye mom dad! Take care." I said while waving at my parents.

"Bye dear, go safely and yeah don't forget to call me when you reach busan." Mom said as i nodded.

"Bye Y/N, eat your meals on time and take care." Dad said and i again nodded.

I walked towards the car and sat on the passenger seat. I lastly bid goodbyes to them and then looked towards the person on driver seat.

"Let's go?" Taehyung asked as i nodded with a smile.


We reached airport and waited for flight. But then my eyes captured a figure walking towards us and it's non other than Jungkook. He wore a red baggy hoodie, a black loose jeans with a bucket hat and lastly a black mask.

[Hehe.. don't mind the clothes of Jungkook. I really have a bad sense of fashion 😭]

He walked towards us and looked up a little but quickly looked away when he caught me already staring him. I also looked away while clearing my throat.

Soon we heard the announcement which means we have to go. We carried our luggage and started to walk towards the flight.


I settled myself on my seat. I and Taehyung are in business class while jungkook is in general class. But we could see each other through the little gap between curtains.

Soon the plane took off. I was getting bored since Taehyung was busy on his laptop due to some work. I ordered myself a cold drink and when the air hostess went outside my eyes accidentally fall on Jungkook and i saw him sleeping peacefully.

He definitely must not have slept well last night. I thought by looking the way he was sleeping.

I noticed that his head was continuously falling on the lady beside him and that lady was struggling to keep his head straight.

"Umm.. Taehyung. I'm going to washroom." I excused myself as he nodded.

I walked towards his seat.

"Uhh!! Excuse me? You can go to that seat and I'll sit here." I said politely to that lady while pointing towards a vacant seat at front.

"Oh! Okay but do you know him? I mean the way you asked that's why." She said

"Y-yeah he is partner" i said while forcing a smile to her.

"Oh! I see. Okay you can sit here." She said and walked away.

I sat there and as soon as I leaned back his head dropped on my shoulder making me a little flinch.

I looked at him with corner of my eyes and saw him sleeping peacefully with his eyes and mouth half opened.

Cute! I thought but slapped myself internally for thinking that.

I soon felt my eyelids getting heavy. And the next thing i remember is that i slept with my head on the top of his head.

Taehyung POV
After 20 minutes i finished my work and cracked my knuckles. I looked beside me and frowned when i didn't saw her.

Where did she went? Is she okay? I thought while putting my laptop away and went outside to check on her.

I was about to ask air hostess but i saw her sitting there in a general class. I walked there and what i saw crushed my heart.

I saw Y/N and Jungkook sleeping while cuddling to each other in one blanket wrapped around there body.

When did she came here? Should I wake her up? I thought as i felt my heart aching.

I quietly removed the blanket and tried to loose her grip off his waist. But she hold it even tighter.

"Umm..let me sleep." She mumbled in her sleep.

"Y/N wake up you can also sleep there." I said while shaking her a little but someone grabbed my arm.

I turned around and saw a lady standing there.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let them sleep peacefully." She said

"Excuse me? Do i know you?" I asked

"No you don't know me and i don't know you either." She said

"Then don't interfere in other's problem." I said and turned around but halted when she said.

"You're interfering between them. Can't you see how peacefully they are sleeping? Just look at them how cute they look together. Aww..i wish i could also get someone like him." She said and cooed looking towards them.

I looked at them without blinking.

"I bet he is not just a work partner. She surely love him. You should have seen how she came here and told me to sit somewhere else so that she can sit here. I saw care for him in her eyes." She said

And then i lost it.

"Excuse me! Will you stop acting like that? He is just a work partner nothing else. She is MY girlfriend. And about that care thing please kindly get your eyes checked!" I yelled as she gasped looking at me.

"U-uh! Sorry i didn't knew y-you were her b-boyfriend otherwise i wouldn't have said that." She said while looking down.

The air hostess' came towards me.

"Sir please go to your seat. All this is not allowed here." One of them said

"But i have to take her to her seat." I said

"Sir please go otherwise I have to call pilot." She said in a threatening tone.

I scoffed and went to my seat.

I peeked a little to see her.

Why did you lied to me? Why did you went there? How came you are this comfortable to him not me? It was my fault that i didn't gave you much attention that's why you went there. I'm sorry but I didn't like it anyway.

To be continued......

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