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I stepped out of the car and waved at Taehyung. He went away. As i was about to go inside the house my phone rang and it was unnie(Hyunjae). I picked up the call only to hear her shouting at me from other side.

"Yahh!! Y/Naah where were you?! Why weren't you picking up my call?! Do you even know how much worried i was?! And also yo-" she shouted as i cut her off.

"Unnie relax relax. I'm okay. My phone was on silent that's why I didn't pick up your call." I said calmly

"And why didn't you told me about your new boyfriend? Who is he? How is he? Send me his pict- no no wait don't send just come with him to my house for dinner tomorrow. I'll talk to him face to face." She said while i freaked out.

How did she know? I thought

"Yaah! Y/N are you listening?" She asked

"Yeah yeah! I'm listening." I said

"So come tomorrow on dinner with him." She said

"But unnie how did you k-know about that?" I asked

"Umm..a-actually, Jungkook told me when i asked him about yo-" she said but i cut her off.

"What!!? He told you that?! When?! Where?!" I asked in a shocking tone.

"Hey, calm down. I met him at club when i went there with jimin. And you know what for the first time he was drinking.!" She said as my eyes got widened.

"What the fu-k? He was drinking? But he never drink." I said

"Yeah i told him the same but he wasn't listening to me so i came back." She said

"H-how much he drank?" I asked while she was taken aback by my question.

"2 b-bottles." She said

"What?! And you left him there. Unnie you know right that he never drank in his whole life and now suddenly today. Oh god! He must've been totally drunk by now!" I said as i was panicking

"Where is he? I should go and get him back." I said

"But Y/N! You shouldn't. I mean you have a boyfriend now and you shouldn't care about him this much." She said but i was too lost to even hear that.

Oh god! he hasn't fainted. He never drank even when he was abroad. Please god! He should be fine. I thought

"Y/N are you here?" She asked as i came out of my thought.

"Unnie please tell me where is he?" I asked in a pleading tone.

"Huh! Fine. He is at XXX club." She said

"Okay bye then I'll call you once I reach home after that. Okay?" I said

" safe!" She said and i hung up the call.


I reached at the club. I went inside and started to find him. There were too many people there. Some were dancing, some were drinking, some were even making out with each other.

I went towards the counter and asked about jungkook.

"Hey excuse me?" I asked as a waiter looked towards me.

"Yeah. What type of drink would you like to have?" He asked as i shook my head.

"No no I'm not here for drink. Actually i wanted to ask that do you know him?" I asked while showing him the picture of Jungkook.

"Yeah! I know him." He said

"Umm.. can you tell me where is he now?" I asked

"He was drinking here 5 mins ago but went towards the room section." He said while pointing towards the corridor as i looked towards the direction and nodded.

"Thank you so much." I said and smiled at him.

"You're welcome." He said and smiled back.

I quickly went towards the area and started searching for him. As i was about to pass a room, i saw Jungkook's shoes on the floor as the door was a little opened.

I quietly opened the door while thinking he might have slept but what i saw cut my broken heart's pieces into even a smaller one.

He was thrusting on the girl under him. The whole room was moaning mess and their clothes were shattered all around the room.

"Ahh! So...good" he said while moaning.

"Ahh...umm..fa..faster" the girl said.

And that's it. I quickly ran outside the club and ran as fast as i can. The tears were streaming down my cheeks. I was crying really hard.

Why do you always have to do this with me? Why you always hurt me the most? Why? Why? Why? What was my fault to suffer from this much? Why always love hurt the most? I hate you JEON JUNGKOOK!! I hate you!!

"I HATE YOU!!!!!" I screamed my lungs out and sat there under the tree.

I hold my knees with my arms and cried harder.

I hate you but i hate myself more for loving you. Why you made me regret loving you? WHY??!!!!

To be continued.......

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