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Jungkook POV
I reached daegu 30 minutes ago and just checked in a hotel. I lazily went inside my room and popped on the bed.

I checked my phone but sadly put it aside when i didn't get to see what I wanted to.

I should freshen up.

I got up and went inside the bathroom. I took a hot shower. As soon as I laid on bed my stomach growled loudly and just then i remembered that I didn't had eaten anything since morning.

I was about to call for food but stopped.

Will she have eaten the food?

Thinking that i decided to skip my meal and just sleep.

After sometime i woke up due to a call. I groaned while picking it up without even seeing the caller id.

"J-jungkook?" As soon as I heard the voice, i opened my eyes fully.

"Taehyung?" I said while sitting up straight.

I frowned when I heard him crying.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" I asked

"Y-Y/N.." He said while crying hard.

"Y/N? What happened to her? Is she okay?" I asked while panicking.

"A-Actually s-she l-left me." He said while sniffing as i shoot opened my eyes.

"What?!!" I said

"S-she left a letter in h-her room and h-her phone is also s-switch off." He said as i got off of the bed.

"W-what is written in that letter? T-tell me everything please!" I said while stuttering.


Taehyung POV
I was walking back and forth in my room.

Should i check on her? What if she is still angry on me?

With that thought i went outside my room and stood infront of her room's door.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the knob but to my surprise it was already opened. I pushed the door open and stepped inside only to see everything neat and clean and there was no sign of anyone.

I went towards the bathroom and knocked on it.

"Y/N!! Are you inside?" I asked but there was no reply.

I opened her cupboard only to see it was also vacant. My heart beat started to race.

H-how can you?

As i turned around i saw a letter on the table beside bed. I took a little step towards it and grabbed the letter with my hands shaking. I opened it.

'Hey Taehyung,
               I hope it's you who is reading my letter right now. I'm sorry for leaving like this but i can't live there anymore. I don't know why did you lied to me? And i was really angry at you that time but after sometimes of thinking i decided to forgive you. Yeah i forgave you but i can't continue our relationship anymore.'

A tear escaped my eyes. I only read half of the letter. I sobbed while continuing it.

'I know our relationship was not that long but trust me it was way better than i ever expected. Thank you for giving me the happiness which i never got in my life. Thank you for making me the happiest person in these weeks. You're an angel Taehyung and an angel like you don't deserve a person like me. See i made you cry too and that's what I don't want.

I was really lucky to have you in my life but you weren't. I think I'm not destined to have a perfect partner or can say that I am not worthy of a perfect person. You know what all the person whom I have dated earlier including you too were very nice, perfect and they all loved me but i wasn't able to give them that love which they deserve.

Even if i wanted to i can't love anyone of them and you too. You're a really lovely person that anyone could love you by your first meeting but unlucky me i  couldn't do that. You deserve more better person than me in your life and it's not me. I like you Taehyung but i love Jungkook. But I'm not worthy for any of you both. That's why i decided to live alone from now on. I'm just tired of these things in my life. And now i just want to focus on myself, my career. I will complete this book with great effort. And trust me I will not give you a chance to complain.

And lastly thank you Taehyung for coming in my life. I'll pray to God to send an angel for an angel like you in your life. I'll never forget the moments which we spend together. Take care of yourself and please don't try to find me because by the time you read this letter I will be far gone. And don't worry I'll be fine. Let's sometime meet in future. Goodbye~
                                                                      Your poor ex

I kept the letter on my chest while crying hard. I sat on the floor while taking support of the bed.

I'm sorry Y/N. I again failed on my love. I promised to always stay by your side but i couldn't. You're perfect that's why all the person loved you but we don't deserve your love that's why we couldn't have you in our life. But Jungkook is lucky, he was calling me lucky but in actual he is the luckiest because maybe you were with me but your heart and brain was always with him. He is the one who deserves you. I know i should be jealous but now there is no right for me to get jealous for you. I wish you both get each other by your side soon.


"I-i'm sorry Jungkook. I couldn't keep h-her happy." He said while i just stood there.

"And what lie she was talking about?" I asked

"A-Actually five years ago i got a new number and since then i started to get a call from a girl and she was Y/N. She always used to call me and cry for you to come back. After researching i got to know her name and both of yours relationship. I also saw her face but i didn't saw yours. I get to know that you were that Jeon Jungkook when you both fought to each other. I'm sorry that i didn't told you both this but trust me i was going to tell her before she gets to know it by herself and that's what happened." He said while i froze at my place in shock.

"M-means you knew her from 5 y-years?" I asked while he hummed in response.

"But that's not important now. It's important to first find Y/N." I said

"No! We won't find her." He said as i frowned.

"What?! Why?!" I asked

"Because i don't want to disturb her anymore. Let her live her life peacefully from now. And also she said she will take care of herself." He said while i listened to him in disbelief.

"And you believed her that she won't harm herself?" I asked

"Yeah!" He said

"And why?" I asked

"Because she said this to me and i believe her." He said

"That's not a valid reason. How will you know if she is good or not?" I asked

"Because she know if she won't take care of herself then I'll definitely come back to her." He said while i asked in confusion.

"But how will you know her location?" I asked

"Just like i did 5 years ago." He said while i hummed in response being not to satisfied with him.

"Jungkook?" He said

"Yeah!" I said back

"Please you also don't find her. It'll be good if she come to you herself but please don't force her to do that so." He said while i smile

"Don't worry Taehyung. I won't disturb her. I'm not that selfish that I'll ruin her peace for my happiness." I said

"Okay so take care. Maybe we can meet each other in future." He said

"Hmm.. let's hope so." I said while hanging up the call.

I hope you're fine wherever you are Y/N. I hope to meet you again in future if our destiny wants us to. I love you and forever will just don't hurt yourself.

To be continued.......

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