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Time skips (5 hrs later)
It's almost evening now and we finished our today's work. We were walking on footpath while waiting for a taxi. Suddenly a black Mercedes came and parked infront of us. We both were confused. The window roll down and it was non other than TAEHYUNG!!.

Argh! Why is he here again? I thought

"Hey! Y/N let's go." He said

"Aren't you gonna take me along?" I asked

"Yeah! It's not like that. Actually I am taking Y/N somewhere. That's why!" He said

"Where?" I asked quickly

"At restaurant!" He said

"Then i am also coming. I am also hungry." I said

Before Y/N could say anything i walked towards the car and directly sat in passenger seat as i didn't wanted Y/N to sit beside him.

"Yah! Will anyone ask about my concern? You are making plans by yourself and also deciding that who will go and who will not by yourself." She said

"And CEO! I am okay by myself. I can manage. If you want then you can drop Jungkook. I can go by myself." She said and started walking away.

I got off the car and ran towards her. As i was about to hold her hand Taehyung hold it and turned her around.

"I am sorry Y/N. I was just trying to help you. I am sorry if I made you feel like that. I should've asked you about that restaurant plan." He said while looking directly in her eyes.

"It's okay! I forgave you but next time just ask me. Hmm?" She said with a smile.

He nodded.

"So are you coming with us?" He asked

"Umm...Yeah sure!" She said and smiled. He smiled back.

They walked pass me as if i was invisible. I somehow didn't like it. But i just shrugged it off.

"Jungkook are you coming?" He asked

"Yeah!" I said and ran towards them and sat at the back seat as Y/N had already sat at front.


"So what would you like to order sir and mam?" The waiter asked us.

"Umm..1 plate tteokbokki for me." Taehyung said

"1 plate bibimbap for me." Y/N said

"And for you sir?" The waiter asked me.

"1 plate kimchi fried rice." I said

"That's all?" The waiter asked

"Yeah! I guess.. anything else?" Taehyung asked looking at both of us one by one as we shook our head as no.

"Okay then! I'll get it." The waiter said and walked away.


I am now at my house still thinking about Y/N and Taehyung. I somehow can't stop thinking of the way they were talking, laughing and giggling together. Huff!! What is happening to me?!!
I tried every single angle to get comfortable and sleep but failed miserably.
I thought of getting a walk maybe that would help me to get asleep.

To be continued......

Sorry for the short part guyzz.. i promise the other parts will be long..

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