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"huh!!well you know nothing then"i said

He gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked looking confused.

"Umm.. Jungkook!! Actually leave it. Let's not talk about this." I said trying to change the topic.

"No!! Not until you tell me" he said

"No.. leave it."i said

"No!!no!!no!! Please Y/N" he whined like a Lil baby.
And not to mention i melted in that voice.

"Okay..fine" i said as I took a deep breath before speaking further.

"Actually after you went from here. I cried for two weeks. I didn't attended my college, neither eat or sleep properly nor talked to anyone not even my friends. But after some days i started going college. I started drinking and going on blind dates only to forget my feelings for you but I was unable to do that." I said as I stopped for moment to take breath and Jungkook patiencely waited for me.

"You won't believe i literally dated almost 14 mans but broke up with all of them cause i was unable to love them the way I did to you. I have a record of keeping ex boyfriends but still I can't take over my feelings for you. I totally changed myself only to forget you but in between that i forgot myself. Why don't you understand Jungkook that i still love you the way I did 10 years ago." I said and now i stopped because tears were already streaming down my cheeks.

He stayed silent but i can sense he was feeling very guilty after knowing all this. And i swear i didn't wanted to tell him all this but he was the one who insisted and was curious to know. So what can I do.

"Jungkook let's go now it's already lat-" i said and was cutted off by him.

"I am sorry Y/N. I am really sorry. I didn't know that you were going from this much. I know i don't deserve this but please forgive me. Because once again i am going to hurt you with my words. Please forgive me. I am really sorry but i love you so much."he said and stopped to breath as he said all this in one go.

I suddenly felt a verge of happiness growing inside me. After hearing that he love me from his own mouth. I was about to say some but he continued cutting me off.

"Yeah i love you so much as a friend but not as a lover. Yeah i care for you and always will as a true friend. I didn't know that how and when did you catch feelings for me but i didn't. I am extremely sorry Y/N but I am still the same. I wanted to tell you all this on that day at airport but you just left me there alone and i didn't get the chance to talk to you. I didn't wanted to lose you. For me you are always my best friend. I just don't want our friendship to be ruined. Please be my friend. Please Y/N. I don't want to lose you. Please." He said as he teared up.

Huh!! Again i was wrong. I was wrong to believe that he would ever love me. Why i keep living on false solace? I should stop now. And again i did the same thing i did 10 years ago at airport. I ran away from there. I don't know where i am going but i just don't want to face him now.

It's hurt so bad to hear from your mouth that you don't love me the way I do. I again feel useless and empty. Everything changed in these 10 years except us and my one sided love for you.

To be continued.......

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