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I started making strong coffee for that bitch. Why can't he just leave me alone? Why he always come wherever I go? And on the top of that now he found a reason to meet me. This cafe. Argh!!! I can't even leave this job. I have nothing to do. I am so trusfrated. While thinking this, i realise my coffee was done. So I turned off the machine and went outside the room. I looked around to see where he sat and soon i found him but wait who is this girl with him? I went towards his table.

"Here your coffee" i said with a blank expression on my face.

"Ohh!! Thanks" he said looking up at me.

I was about to go but i saw he was holding her hand and out of curiosity i asked him.

"Ahem.. btw who is this girl?" I asked in a cold tone.

"Umm.. she!! She is Lia. My bestest friend." He said with a smile on his face.

"Ohh!! But didn't you told me that i was your only best friend?" I asked raising my eyebrow still maintaining my cold tone.

"Yeah you are onl-" he halted as Lia cut him off.

"Umm..can you pls bring me a bubble tea." She said slightly squeezing his hand. And this didn't get  unnoticed by me.

"Umm..sure. Just wait for some time." I said as she nodded and i went away from there.

While, i was going i heard them saying.

"Why did you cutted me off?" Jungkook asked

"Because I didn't wanted someone else to interfere in our matter." Lia said

"And who said she was interfering. She was just asking about you. And she can because she is my friend." He said in a little bit angry tone.

A little smile appear on my face as he said that. But i suppressed it and again started cleaning the table. Uhh.. i forget to tell you guys that i wasn't listening them intentionally. It's just someone called me to clean the table which is just behind their table. And ofcourse i won't cover my ears sooo...😅😅

"I am sorry for that. I won't do it again. I was just a little stressed. That's why I said like that. I am sorry. Now don't be mad at me." She said in a sad tone.

"It's okay and I am not mad at you. It's just your behaviour towards her. Now don't be sad." He said

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too-" he said

Ohh!! That's why he don't love me because he already has someone in his life. I thought to myself and went away from there before he can even compete his sentence while tears already made their way towards my eyes. I told one of the other staff to pass lia's order. I went outside the cafe running and little did i know that it didn't went unnoticed by jungkook but i don't care. I straight went inside a park and sat on one of the vacant bench.

Why am I even crying? I should have understand it before but noo!! I was so blind in his love that i didn't realise that he already had someone in his life.

To be continued.......

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