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I dragged him towards bed and sat there with him.

"Now tell me why were you crying?" I asked while looking towards him.

"I-i actuall-" he got cut off by me.

"Is it because of her?" I asked as i noticed a girl's frame in his hand.

He looked towards the picture as his eyes started getting watery. I took the frame from his hand and looked at the picture.

"Wait! Is she the girl from that restaurant?" I asked as i remembered her.

He nodded his head.

"Did something happened to her? Did she do something? What happened?" I asked

"Nothing happened to her. And she didn't do anything. I did. I ruined everything!!" He said while crying.

I looked at him confusely.

"First of all stop crying and second tell me everything in brief." I said while comforting him.

After sometime he calmed down.

"Now, tell me what happened?" I asked

"A-Actually Y/N told me that she loves me 10 yrs ago but at that time I rejected her by saying that I only saw her as my friend nothing else. And when i returned back to Korea some weeks ago, she again confessed to me and that time also i rejected her but then she told me that my love was a curse for her and started ignoring me. She started dating Taehyung our CEO and hearing that i lost myself and drank too much that night and slept with a girl but even worse than that she saw me making out with that girl and said that to never show her my face. She even changed our working time with Taehyung's permission. And now that is the thing which i can't tolerate. I don't know why but whenever I see her with Taehyung, i feel a sting pain in my heart, whenever she ignore me i feel like i don't exist in this world, whenever she is infront of me i just want to hug her and apologize for everything but stop myself thinking that she might hate me more after that." He said while pouring all the thing he had in his heart.

"Noona! Tell me what should I do? I don't know why am I feeling like this? Please help me. Tell me." He said in a pleading tone.

I heard everything clearly and understood his situation.

"You are in love with her!" I said with a small grin on my face.

Jungkook POV
"You are in love with her!" She said while i wide my eyes in shock.

"What!?" I asked

"Yes Jungkook! You love her maybe even more than i think. I know you won't believe me but you do it's just that you didn't recognise it yet." She said while i blankly looked at her.

Do i love her? But how? I mean...i can't! Am i feeling all this because I love her or because i am guilty for whatever happened? I thought

"It's okay take your time to think about it but remember that she won't be waiting for you forever!" She said while i think about what she said.

'She won't be waiting for you forever'. But why would she wait for me? She's already dating Taehyung. I came out of my thought when she said.

"Okay now I should leave." She said while getting up.

"Why so early?" I asked as i also got up.

"Actually i came here just to give you some news and now I'm getting late." She said as i confusely looked at her.

"What news?" I asked

"Uh..umm.. I-i am getting married." She said while i wide my eyes.

"OMG!! And you didn't even told me about that!" I said

"Anyways I'm soooooo happyy for you~" i said while spinning her around.

"Okay okay keep me down!" She said while smiling.

I kept her down.

"I'm so happy! Btw when is the wedding?" I asked in a exited tone.

"Next month!" She said while smiling widely.

"Okay i should go now otherwise I would be late." She said

"Hmm..bye drive safely!" I said while waving at her.

"Okay sir! Bye~" she said and went outside.

To be continued......

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