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Taehyung POV
We were laughing until i noticed that Y/N has stopped laughing and is looking somewhere else. I followed her direction and saw Jungkook, standing there with tears in his eyes.

What happened to him? I thought and decided to go and ask him. But when i stood up, he ran away from there and Y/N also started running behind him while calling his name.

"JUNGKOOK!! STOP!!" She shouted while running behind him.

I was also running behind them. He stopped near a tree and Y/N also stood beside him while i stood behind the tree, panting heavily. I could hear them talk. I know this is wrong to hear someone's conversation but i have to do this to know the situation.

"What happened to you? Why were you running like that?" She asked

"Why do you care? Go take some rest or else you will be tired at the time of your date." He said

"No I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me what happened to you." She said back

"Then stay here I'm going." He said as he was about to walk away but she grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Why are you behaving like this?" She asked

"Huh! Why am I behaving like this? And what about the earlier behaviour of yours at today's morning Lee Y/N?!" He asked sarcastically.

Did something happened between them? Did they fought to each other? I thought before continued listening to them.

"No words right?!" He said

She looked down while tears already streaming from her eyes.My heart ached by seeing that. I can't see her like this.

"I d-didn't meant that." She said while looking down.

"Huh!! don't mean to do anything, it just happen by itself right?" He said in a sassy tone.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I really didn't meant that. I was just stressed from something." She said looking at him.

"Wait..lemme guess that something from which you were stressed was me right?" He said

She looked down without saying anything.

What is happening? I can't understand anything. I thought.

"Look Y/N! I really don't wanna argue right now. I'm really tired from all this. First your 10 yrs old confession but i thought that you must have forgotten it by now. I thought it was just your teenage feeling so i let it slide but you've gotten in my nerve now. I can't tolerate it now. I want you as my friend nothing more can't you understand this simple thing! But look you just ruined our friendship. I'm really sick of this now!!" He said while Y/N was looking at him in shock and pain.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her eyes were puffy and red shot. While here, i was in utter shock.

Means the Jungkook about whom Y/N used to talk on the phone was Jeon Jungkook. He is the one about whom Y/N talked about whenever she was drunk. What the real f-uck?!!! I thought as i was just froze at my place in shock after knowing the truth.


"Hey KooKiE!! Why did yoU leFt mE? Why don't YoU underStand that i really LoVe yOu!! PleAse cOme bAcK!! JeOn JunGkooK!! COmE BaCk!!" She screamed while crying.

I just sat there quietly, pitying the girl. She always call me while being drunk. This is going on from past 5 years. I don't know who is she but as much as i know is that her heart is broken. I wish I could help her.

I don't say anything because she always say name Jungkook which i guess is her ex boyfriend and betrayed her. I guess she call me assuming me as her boyfriend. The no. must have been changed. Because since when i got this no. she always call me.

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