The fight

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"WHAT THE FUCK SONIC?!" Shadow yelled and dodges another glass. "You and I both know what the fuck!!!!" Sonic yelled. "NOT REALLY!" Shadow growled and catches the next glass. "YOU CHECKING OUT THAT SLUT!!!" "IT WAS ON YOUR GAME! SINCE WHEN HAVE YIU BECOME SO FUCKING JELOUS?!" Shadow asked loudly. "I don't know!" Sonic said ears folded down. "Wow. Well do me a favor and straighten up until then I can't even look at you!" Shadow storms out of the house and gets on his motorcycle before speeding out of the neighborhood. "Whatever...... I'm just going to see tails...." Sonic looks down and speeds off to tails place.
Shadow pulls up to the local bar and walks in taking he's usual seat. "You and Sonic had a fight?" He looks up seeing a pink hedgehog already making his drink. "You can tell?" Shadow smirked. "Yep here on the house" she slides him the drink. "Nothing gets passed you Ames thanks" He starts sipping on his drink. "Do you why he's become so suddenly jealous?" He asked her. "Suddenly jealous? Sonic? No I don't think so but that's out of character." She replied. "Yeah...." He continues to sip on the drink.

"There he his master~ I told you he be here~" "yes I see that but he's not with the blue hedgehog"

At tails place he was woken up by a knock at the door. "Tails.... Baby.... Get the door...." Rouge groan. "Yeah yeah I got it...." He said and puts on his pants before answering the door. "Sonic?" "We had a fight....." sonic said tears falling while rubbing his arm. "Come in I'll brew up some tea..." tails said. Sonic walks into the newly renovated kitchen as the fox starts a kettle. "Like what you and Rouge did with the place." Sonic said sitting at the kitchen island. "Thanks we love it too" tails smiled and sat down while the kettle was brewing. "Now what the heck happened?" "I don't know... we decided to play a new sims game and shadows avatar was looking at someone else and I just felt this sudden rush of jealousy and snapped..... I honestly don't know what the fuck came over me....." sonic said feeling very guilty. "All I do know is.... Is the fact once shadow left that wave disappeared and I was so confused but the damage was done...." Sonic's ear folded tearing up. "That's way out of character of you sonic....." Tails said and the kettle whistles. He pours the tea and gives sonic the mug. "Thanks tails"

Amy gives shadow his second drink and he pays for it this time. Amy looks up and blushes when a red echidna walks up. "Oh um... hi what can I get you?" She blushes redder shocking shadow. "Sex on the beach but without the beach gorgeous~" he replied and wink at her. "I get off in an hour handsome~" she flirts and Shadow snaps in her face. "Yo I don't think Honey would appreciate that Ames" Shadow said and Amy blinks a few times. "Oh um right..." she shook her head walking away. Shadow turns to the echidna and was stunned looking into his purple eyes. "Well no wonder...." "It's not nice to stare" he said in a not to deep voice with a bit of seduction. "Sorry but next time just order a drink and not flirt with married women" "At least she has a good friend to remind her" he said. Shadow rolls his eyes and continues to drink. "I just moved here for a new job. Ever heard of a business called AL Co?" He said to Shadow who sets his drink down. "Yes I work there with my boyfriend and friends..." "awesome I start Monday mind giving me some tips?" He asked and his eyes appear to glow. "Umm... just be on time.... Do your job... and ummm don't be absent to much..." Shadow said and finds himself blushing. "Ok thanks" he smiled as another bar tender walks up. "Hey what can I get you sir?" The wolf asked. "Liquid marijuana" he said and the bartender blushes and nods. Shadow finished his drink and leaves after shaking off his eyes in his head. "What the hell..." he thought as he rode home. Sonic arrives home at the same time. "I'm sorry" they both said and kissed. They enter their home for a round of make up sex before getting ready to go to sleep.

"By the way... I met the new hire tonight"

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