The end

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3 years have passed since the defeat of Asmodeus. All the princes of hell were banned from entering the mortal world after deceiving their parents and almost killing them. Asmodeus and his brothers runes to come to the mortal world was brutally removed and received brutal punishments from their father. As for Blaze and silver they became the temporary leaders of the lust ring since they cured Lucifer and Lilith and foiled Asmodeus's plan. So everything in hell is back in a proper order.

What about Knuckles, Sonic, and Shadow?

Well Shadow and Sonic offered him to live with them in their spare bedroom which he gladly accepted. They even helped him get a job at the office and is working with Shadow in his department as his secretary after Fiona was fired. Sonic was promoted to Vice President at the office which was very well earned. Knuckles also gotten therapy and has become much better most after being proven not guilty of his late husband's death. Shadow and Sonic did everything they could to help him during that mess. Eventually the two hedgehogs became smitten with the red roommate and the three started a poly relationship. They all married last month and are on their honeymoon in the Caribbean enjoying their lives together.

In the end the three of them have a very bright future ahead of them.


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