I hate you i love you

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Knuckles relaxes under the purple water as he spies on his puppets fighting increasingly due to his brother inferno (wrath). "Watching them fight is very entertaining" he thought. "I HATE YOU!!!" They both yelled. "Let's switch it up~" he smiles and sends a mist to them quickly effecting them. "I love you" they both said and soon find themselves in their bed. "Asmodeus you playing with these two emotions wil—" "Make them more weaker and submissive to my power Inferno. So far messing with their emotions and minds have worked and I have branded them with my sigil~" "so where are your servants brother?" "Pleasing their toy I let them keep who will play a role soon"  "I see no wonder father gave you the top circle of hell.... You're ruthless and I'm fucking WRATH!" "Indeed big brother now leave me to enjoy my puppets" "Very well"

"Asmodeus!!!!" He hears a familiar female voice. He rises from the water and turns to see a sexually dressed white and orange echidna. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" He shouted. "We need to talk now" she growled. "I don't got time for you Velversona" he said getting out of the water and wraps the towel around his waist. "It's Shade now in this pathetic realm" She hissed as he walks behind the changing curtain. "Well Shade I rather you leave.  I told you that our marriage was annulled because I don't desire a queen." He said walking out dressed. "You promised my father we would marry yet you run off to this realm and mated with many women getting some of them pregnant and men!!!" "I AM THE KING OF THE LUST RING!!!! SEXUAL DESIRES AND MANY FORMS OF IT IS WHO I AM!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A OVERLORD SLUTS OFFSPRING!!!" She smacks him and he pushes her up against the wall. "You don't dare strike one of your kings because I will end you right here right now." Knuckles hissed eyes glowing pink. "Asmodeus please I love you and I want to be your queen and bare you a child~" "as I said I don't desire a queen" he hissed. "Then at least lay with me for once~" "Forget it Shade" he starts to walk away. "If you don't I will tell your hedgies of what you have planned for them!" She shouted and stops him. "That's right I know your plans for them if you lay with me I will stay quiet and leave you alone~" she smiled as he turns to face her. "You dare blackmail me? Interesting~ Alright my dear you win" he smiled walking back up to her. "I knew you see things my way my king~" she purred. "I still hate you~" "I'll always love you~" she smiles before they kiss and he takes her to his bed.

Shadow and Sonic plop next to each other. "Whoa.... That has to be the best sex we ever had...." Sonic said. "Yeah.... Like we been struck by lust demons...." Shadow said in shock. Sonic thinks about then sat up. "Wait say that again the last part" he said. "Lust demons?" Shadow repeats confused. "What if knuckles is one! That would explain everything! I know it sounds crazy but how else could we explain it?!" Sonic said and Shadow thinks about then his eyes widened. "Holy shit you could be right!" Shadow agreed. Sonic gets up out of bed. "Where are you going?" "The office since no one is there and I got some security access we can get in no problem and find some kind of evidence!" Sonic said making shadow nod and get up out of bed.

"Let's go find that evidence"

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