Quick guide

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This is my Kili collection book of oneshots! All of these have been published on my Tumblr individual, but here you can get the bundle :) Because of the different kinds of fis and requests I have written, I've made a quik guide for you to understand what everything stands for in chapters and titles:

FF: Full fic
SF: Song fic
HC: Headcanons

AG: Angst
FL: Fluff
PL: Platonic
H/C: Hurt/Comfort
MP: Mutual Pining

TW: Trigger warning
RQ: Requested

Songfics and full fics have a summary at the beginning of the chapter! Headcanons do not, but the request is show before the story :)

I hope you do understand what GN!Reader, Fem!Reader etc. stands for.

I must say, I horribly dislike the Y/N thing. Loathe it. But sometimes, sarifices must be made. There will be a TW warning for this <3 

A Kili Durin CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now