[FF] {FL} Nervous Confessions

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Tw: None!


Summary: When you are the first one to confess to Kili and give him your courting gift, anxieties take over. Thankfully, Fili is there to help you. And all with good consequences.


"You are joking, right?" Fili called as you sat outside in Beorn's garden. While the rest had been packing their things for Mirkwood, you sat in the skin-changer's garden, busy with your own projects.

"I have no silver I can melt, so I have to." You justified, holding up the small piece of wood.

"Have you ever tried working wood into your hair?" The blonde asked, sitting down next to you.

"It will not leave splinters!" You yelled through a hushed voice, hesitance laced in your tone.

"That is not the problem," Fili explained. "Hair will hang behind wood; smoothened or not. It is not ideal."

"Then what do you suggest I do?" You sighed exasperatedly, raising your hands in defense.

"Wait until we get to the mountain and I can teach you." The dwarf advised, but you shook it off.

"If you won't be of help, I will just ask Balin." You threatened, already standing up from the bench.

"No!" Fili argued. "No. I can help you."

Your eyebrows raised in a teasing manner as you opened your palm to show him the tiny wooden object. "It can be remade at the forges for a proper bead, but for now, it looks good."

"You don't like it." You dead-panned, your face falling in defeat.

"No, I love it!" The dwarf defended, taking hold of the bead. "And I'm sure Kili will love it too."

Oh yes, Kili. You were actually meant to give this to him to ask him to court you. This wasn't just for fun. This wasn't just any present. It was going to mean a lot to you later in life. A frown formed on your face at the realization, looking down at the bead.

"I don't know," You mumbled. "It can be better. This is for something important."

"Hey," Fili muttered, taking your hand as he gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It's beautiful and I'm sure Kili will be over the moon. He could not care less about what it looked like. It is about the gesture."

"That's a poetic way of saying it is not that good." You whispered, clenching the bead in your fist.

"Y/N," Fili began, now standing up from the bench and kneeling down in front of you, lowering himself to you. "Don't doubt yourself. You know Kili would never reject you."

"But what if he does not like it? I will be seen as a complete outcast for as long as this journey will last." You argued, anxiety flushing through your body as the unnerving reality finally settled in.

"Listen to me," The blonde encouraged, giving you a look so gentle that you could not help but obey his words. "I have known my brother for 77 years now. I know exactly what he likes and what he doesn't, and when I tell you he will love this," His hand reached towards the bead in your hands, taking hold of it carefully. "He will love this. I can promise you this."

A sad smile passed on your face as you nodded your head slightly.

"Okay." You agree softly. "Thank you."

Fili smiled back in acceptance, now taking his seat beside you again.

"It did not make me less nervous, though." You laughed anxiously.

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