[HC] {FL} Intimidating s/o

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RQ: "Hi, I'd like to request a headcanon for Kili! I thought about one with a crush/partner (for Kili), who is confident and even intimidating in public, but romantic and sweet in private, if that'd be okay?💛 Pronouns can be she/her or gender neutral. Thank you so much!"

TW: None???


- Now Kili himself comes off as relatively confident in public, so having a partner that matches up to that energy, just makes his entire day. Neither of you show much hesitation or weakness out in the open, but it is what makes the two of you work together so well.

- In private, though, Kili turns into a puppy. During the day he isn't overly closed off as his uncle is, and he is never too afraid to show his emotional and more childish side, but behind closed doors, when it is just you and him, he turns into mush.

- During meetings, he is constantly reaching for your hand or your arm, just to have some sort of hold on you, but when you two are alone, he just melts into your embrace. He'll wrap his arms around you from behind while you sigh in contentment and let yourself fall to the floor slowly.

- But you appear more intimidating in front of others. It is the sunshine and sunshine protecter thing the two of you are sharing, and Kili adores it with every part of his being. Having a partner around him that simply turns heads, their faces set in awe, grows so much pride in him. He genuinely cannot help but smile during the entire encounter.

- He'll have his arm wrapped around yours as you walk the halls, your eyes scanning the walls as his kindly look into those of others, offering them a tiny wave or smile. He is smitten.

- While he loves to walk around with you and show you off to everyone, his favorite part of the day is definitely when the two of you go to bed, and your whole demeanor just fades. You are just as affectionate, if not more, as he is. And while he does love that intimidating side, he ultimately fell for your sweet words and actions towards him.

- You often draw him baths when he is almost finished with meetings, so the water is still warm, but not piping hot. You make sure the dirty clothes get to the wash room, and if not, you'll do it yourself. You save him a chair in the dining room (not that anyone dares to sit next to you. They know damn well that's where Kili sits)

- Sometimes, everything just fades as the two of you are in a crowded room. He'll pull your braid from underneath your hair to display it properly, and you let out the most uncharacteristic chuckle. Or he will hold a door open for you and you'll just smile brightly as kiss his cheek as a thank you. It even surprises Fili at times.

- He's just such a puppy and adores both sides of you. And he wouldn't have had it any other way; he gets to show you off while also having those little private moments of which no one else knows. He treasures them immensely 

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