[HC] {FL} Learning To Shoot

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RQ: "Could you do a Kili headcanon about him showing Y/N how to trickshot with a bow?"

TW: Shooting (bow and arrow), apple violence


- Let's be honest, the moment you ask him to teach you how to trick shoot he becomes an excited puppy. His eyes light up, a huge smile appears and his nose scrunches together adorably.

- But because of his excitement, he fails to explain things as easy as possible. So the first few minutes are going to be very difficult to understand. After he'd calmed down, he's much clearer on what to do.

- I'm just gonna put the fact in that you've been courting/been friends for a long time and he made you a bow for your use because that's definitely something I could see him do.

- He starts with demonstrating at first. He throws an apple in the distance, quickly shoots an arrow after it and cheers the minute it hits its target, as if he wasn't expecting anything else.

- He made it seem so easy.

- It isn't. You tried shooting a few time exactly like Kili instructed, but you just don't know what to keep in account and what not. So he tried to teach you a bit of perspective play.

- This exists out of him standing in various places and asking you to hit him. Obviously, you don't agree. After a while he agreed on hiding behind trees.

- When realizing this doesn't work either, he tries directing you in the right direction. Yes, this means standing behind you, chest to your back, arms steadying yours. (I'm a sucker for this trope, idc.)

- Now it's harder to focus because for obvious reasons, his close presence is very distracting.

- But somehow you manage to hit a tree?????????

- So now you're overly confident to hit that falling apple. You're convinced Kili purposely throws the apple the wrong direction so he can help you. Your aim isn't towards the wall of the shed for sure.

- He won't admit it, but he does. He throws it in the complete wrong direction so he can helping you. He knows you're actually a great shot, but the moment you'll hit something, you'll try it on your own and he doesn't want that.

- It's cute, but not efficient. 

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