[SF] {FL/MP} Destined For One Another

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Tw: Description of Kili's poison wound, mutual pining, flashbacks/memories. Rushed writing. Not proofread. Fluff?

GN! Reader

Summary: You and Kili have known each other for as long as either of you know, but when friendship begins to blossom into something more, you remain oblivious to his actions. Up until Fili points it out.


"Do you hear me? I'm talking to you. Across the water, across the deep blue ocean."

For as long as either of you could remember, you and Kili had been close friends. From a young age, the two of you were introduced to one another and everything just began to pick up from there. And even though Fili had been around the both of you often, there was something special between you and the younger brother. And neither of you would find out why, until sixty years later.

What had started out as friendship, began to blossom into something more promising. Something you did not dare to act upon, frightened of rejection. All while Kili was in the exact same dilemma. But you kept dancing around each other, holding those memories you made closer than anything.

"Under the open sky, oh my. Baby, I'm trying."

"Kili, don't go in there!" You tried to warn, a big smile on your face as Kili ran towards the sea that clashed against the warm rocks on the shore.

Both of you had been younger than you were now, barely pushing the age of sixty. And though you had lived in the Blue Mountains, traveling was not uncommon for dwarves. Fili had run after his brother, trying to keep him on the land, but somehow, the young Durin was quicker than his brother was.

"Come back!" Fili yelled after him, to which you only laughed louder. Before the blonde could reach him, Kili had already jumped into the freezing sea, quickly resurfacing afterward, laughing at Fili who stood on top of the rocks.

"Ki, amad will kill you!" He tried to scold, though he knew it was pointless.

You had walked towards Fili, looking down as the young dwarf below seemed to have the time of his life. He was laughing loudly, waving his arms around in joy as you waved back at him, nudging Fili slightly. And even though the blonde wanted to look out for his brother, he could not help but chuckle at the sight in front of him.

"Boy, I hear you in my dreams. I feel your whisper across the sea."

Later that night, the two of you had sat by the fire, Kili wrapped in a warm blanket while he leaned against you, the biting cold of the sea still on his skin. And that was the first time you realized exactly how special this friendship had been to you. If anything, you seemed to adore him even more with each passing second. And Kili had started to feel it too, albeit unbeknownst to you.

The second time that pressing feeling surged through your heart again, was when Kili was hiding from his uncle once more. It had nearly become normal for the two of you to hide with each other when someone got into trouble, and this time was no different. Kili had managed to somehow tie his uncle's boots together, making him fall down at the dinner table in a quite hilarious way. He had taken off running the second Thorin called his name.

The two of you had hidden yourselves in the closet of his mother, which had been the biggest one around. Kili had hidden under the skirts of his mother's dresses, the fabrics piling up on top of him as you sat beside him. Would Thorin find you, he would surely accuse you of hiding his nephew, so as he got into trouble, you simultaneously did too.

"I keep you with me in my heart. You make it easier when life gets hard."

"What did you do this time?" You whispered, already hearing footsteps in the room next door.

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