[SF] {FL} Faith

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Tw: The story does not really go with the song, but I promise you, it's cute. Kili cries, Kili is insecure, Kili is feeling anxious. This is just Kili suffering, but it's adorable, trust me. Everyone lives! AU

She/They pronouns for reader

Summary: Kili has never been scared of anything. Not until he met you. The minute he set his eyes on you, he knew you were his One. But he grew scared of rejection and never told you. But now, five months after reclaiming Erebor, he finally takes his shot. And it ends up in the cutest way possible.


"See the girl with the diamonds in her shoes? They walk around like they've got nothin' to lose."

"Fi. Fi!" Kili whispered, tugging on his brother's sleeve as his eyes seemed to land on a certain person. "They're here again!" The brown-haired prince exclaimed quietly.

Fili followed his brother's gaze, his eyes landing on you, who had been in deep conversation with one of the servants.

"That's great!" He encouraged. "Go talk to them!"

"And say what?" Kili asked, letting go of his brother, yet his eyes did not once wander from your form. "What will we talk about?"

"About how you have wanted to marry her the day you met." Fili mocked, fluttering his lashes with a fake smile.

It had been true. You had traveled with the company to Erebor and Kili had always felt that special pull towards you. Yet, as the mountain was reclaimed, you seemed to stray from him. He was about to take his chance the second the battle of the five armies was over, but he knew you were trying to avoid him all of the sudden, so he gave you time to figure it out.

But that was five months ago. And things between the two of you had gotten more awkward than ever. But still, you remained at Erebor, and Kili could not help but wonder why.

"Yeah, she's a go-getter, they're everybody's type. She's a queen of the city, but they don't believe the hype."

Kili had noticed the lingering looks of many who passed the halls and caught sight of you, and he had slowly begun to loose his hope and confidence, no longer knowing how to reach you. Nevertheless, he wanted that single moment with you. Before someone would run off with you. He had to give you a piece of his mind. But it was more difficult than he had hoped.

"You're dreaming again." Fili noted, pushing his brother jokingly, shaking his head.

"You should really walk up to them. You two haven't had a proper conversation for a couple weeks now. What changed?" The blond wondered.

"I don't know, but I miss her." Kili confessed, unconsiously toying with the ropes on his attire.

"Stop that." Fili scolded, hitting his hands.

"What if they hate me?" The younger Durin asked anxiously, already not liking his options.

"Of course they don't, you absolute fool." Fili laughed, but when his brother refused to join, he halted. He scanned Kili's face, seeing flashed of doubt and uncertainty cross his features. He nearly felt bad for the poor dwarf.

"Maybe you can write her a letter, if talking is what scares you. Ask her to meet up when you gathered the words." Fili advised, to which his brother's face lit up.

"I will!" Kili nodded enthousiastically.

"Thank you."

"She's got her own elevation, holy motivation. So I wrote some letters out in big bold type."

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